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Hi guys. I have a special message for you all :)

A year ago today, November 5th, I published my first oneshot on this platform. I had zero reads. Today, a whole year later, I have gained over 70 followers and nearly 80,000 reads on my oneshots alongside over 1,000 votes. What I really want to say is thank you.

This all started as a joke/small passion project and I wasn't expecting anything out of this. You guys really don't know how much it means to me that you all allowed me to improve and grow. You gave me motivation to continue doing what I enjoy doing, which is writing.

Not only that, but reading your guy's comments and silly messages on my conversation wall genuinely make me happy. It's really exciting to have all of this interaction, and you all actually feel like friends of mine and not just some readers. Your input is always loved, whether it be your criticisms or your random comments left 💕💕


I also want to apologize for not being consistent. It makes me a bit saddened to see how dedicated you guys are to me, but I hardly can keep up a schedule. I want my second year working on this book to be the best. I promise that from now on, I will truly do my best to update for you, all while improving my skills.

Once again, thank you all for everything and the most amazing year <33


Ruikasa Oneshots 💫Where stories live. Discover now