A New "You"

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@ aunnoki inspired this with one of their twitter posts :))

This episode will be angst and fluff
(Not much comfort)


Waiting. Something that I hated doing.

There I was, sitting in my sad, old home without him. My partner, the man I loved most, had left me alone and depressed. Even though I was so tired and upset, I promised him that I'd wait for him.

I hated waiting.

Tsukasa... I need you. You don't understand... Why would you leave me? I thought you loved me just like how I love you. I sniffled and shoved my face in my hands, wetting my soft hands.

I felt so vulnerable in my own home, and it was all because of him, or the lack of him. I needed Tsukasa so much, but I promised the man that I'd stay with him forever. Because of that, I waited more.

What I did must've been right, because I got a reward from it. A reward that I never would've expected...

After leaving my home for the first time in a while, I saw a beautiful boy. He looked frustrated and upset, so I quickly ran to help him. I hated seeing people sad. It reminded me of when Tsukasa vented to me, and seeing him cry made me feel horrible.

I jogged up to the stranger, analyzing his facial patterns and movements before the boy himself. He walked slowly. His energy that he omitted was dark and depressing, and it almost made me turn away. Determined to help, I continued on.

It was raining quite a bit, and I had forgotten my umbrella. My makeup began to smear just a bit as the rushes of freezing cold water dragged it down my face. This left an out of place black streak on my cheeks, so I wiped it off to seem more friendly.

I neared the boy and noticed that he was now looking up at me, bewildered. When I saw him up close, I gasped slightly. He looked so familiar. So lovely, and so pretty, but he wasn't truly mine.

Yes, it was Tsukasa, but not my Tsukasa.

Still, I reached out to him. "Excuse me..! Are you okay? I can't help but worry as I see you cry!" I called out worriedly to the boy who's posture was a bit off.

His fragile and terrified eyes made me feel bad for him, so I took him in without a second thought. "I'm not sure... I don't think I am. I've had a horrible mishap with my lover."

The short boy sighed and nervously glanced away. I carefully held his hands and smiled down at him, hoping to create a sense of ease. I didn't want him to be on edge while talking to me.

"M-Me too. What's your name..?"

"Tenma Tsukasa. What's yours?"

Oh..! They even share the same name. He's not mine, though. He already has someone, so I don't want to interfere. I gulped, and looked down a bit disappointed.

"Kamishiro Rui is mine. You remind me of... someone I hold dear to my heart."

Tsukasa's eyes lit up. He smiled at me. It was a small smile, but it meant the world to me. To see his grin again, that would be the most comforting thing ever. This is almost as good...

As silly as it seemed, the biggest difference between this boy and my lover was the sense of style. My partner wore bold clothes, some that people wouldn't dare to wear. Often fancy. This boy, however, wore muted and dark clothes.

Something about the way he looked at me made me feel safe. "I feel the same way. My lover was so much like you, but sometimes he becomes much to handle. Will you help me?"




After waiting some more, this time with my new friend, Tsukasa never came home. My peace was found within this new Tsukasa. He was oddly sweet, and cared for me a bit more than my previous partner.

I struggled to move on, but it had to be done. My new darling treated me like an angel, and gave me all of the love I used to crave and be robbed of. I loved it, and I loved him.

I was always so paranoid of him turning on me suddenly, or possibly even hurting me.

It never happened.

I didn't mind taking care of my new Tsukasa. Instead, I'd let him talk to me about all of his previous issues so he could let go. I wanted him to feel relieved enough to move on from his past.

He changed a lot in my company, and sometimes would kiss me on my cheeks, or on my hands. He was the opposite of his scary appearance. He was my savior.

Tsukasa fixed me, and made me better. All during this, I'm still waiting for a man who may not even love me. I'm happy now, and I'm so glad to be happy again.

I learned that, in my past relationship, I wasn't loved. I was abandoned. With the start of a new relationship, things were already going much differently.

We loved each other as if we were together.


This is pretty much just one big metaphor so if you relate to it maybe get therapy 🤔

But on a serious note, I like writing about stuff like this. This one specifically is about unhealthy obsessions and attachments, and the inability to move on. Moving on is really hard, and it's not something that can be done quickly, so if you're in this kind of situation, try to find a replacement! Make sure that you're replacement is a healthy one, because if not, your problem may get worse.
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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