Too Far?

797 13 37



This episode will be fluff and smut


I loved my roommate.

We had been close friends for a while, and of course, moved in together. Now, Tsukasa was a really nice roommate. He always did his chores, cleaned up his messes, and gave wonderful company.

We'd been friends since early high school, and never separated. Being friends with someone for so long really has an impact on how you view them. I never really saw him as something more than a friend until after we became adults.

Tsukasa was amazing. It sucked that as we got closer, I opened up my world to the sexual fantasies that crossed my mind. I learned that sex wasn't all that scary. The blond and I both often brought men and women over for one night stands, but through it all, I never had sex with Tsukasa.

I wanted to. I used attractive men and women to distract me from the attractive man that I lived with. Since Tsukasa had began going steady with a new man, I would shamefully masturbate to pictures of him while wearing his shirts.

Today was one of those days, of course.

"Mm~ Tsukasa..!" I panted on my bed as I touched myself again. I was wearing one of the man's shirts. It smelled so delicious, just like he did.

I let my hand pump up and down my erection, causing me to moan more than usual. I groaned and reached over for a pillow, then stuffed it between my thighs. I wanted to feel it like I could feel him, so I began awkwardly humping my pillow.

It felt amazing, but never as good as Tsukasa would feel. I rapidly moved my hips, all while panting and moaning his name. "Ah! M-More~" I squeezed my eyes shut.


Oh my god.

And in just a second, my greatest fear came to life. My roommate, my best friend, my CLOSEST friend, had just walked in on me humping my pillow. WHILE moaning his name.

I sat up quickly, guilt plastered across my face. "Tsukasa..! I-I uh..."

"Is that my shirt..?"

Luckily, the pillow was hiding my hard penis. I'm pretty sure he knows what I was doing either way... I gulped. Being caught was highly embarrassing, and I actually wanted to disappear. I really wish I could just... Vaporize right now.

"No. It's mine..." I spoke up again, wanting to break the silence which somehow made it more awkward.

"Yeah. Right."

We stared at each other. Tsukasa seemed to be genuinely frozen in shock, as was I. However, he manned up and stepped back.

"I'm gonna head out now. Um, sorry for interrupting." And with that, he shut the door.





I headed out to our living room for the first time that day. I was sulking in shame and anxiety all day, and I had even told one of my friends about the situation. However, Tsukasa always made dinner for us. He loved cooking, so I decided to get up and eat.

It smells wonderful, what he's making. I smiled as I stepped outside of my room, but then heard some chattering. Ah, we have company. I wonder if it's his boyfriend, or a friend.

I waltzed out to the living room, and saw a few friends of mine. Mizuki, Shizuku, and Toya. They were all mutual friends of mine and Tsukasa's, none of which we fucked.

"Hey Rui! We've been here all day, and... So have you. What have you been doing?" Mizuki called to me.

Oh. Surely I can't tell them the truth. Unless Tsukasa already has..? I turned my head to the blond, who coincidentally turned to face me at the same time. My face immediately turned a bright red, and I relived that memory over again.

"Wait. Hey, Rui, I think we need to talk." The shorter man looked up at me regretfully.

I flinched, then shook my head. "Uhh, no. No we don't." I smiled nervously, strongly aware of our little audience.

What intimidated me was that he didn't step back. The man sighed and took my arm.

He led me to his bedroom.

He closed and locked the door.

He looked up at me expectantly.

It all felt like a blur to me. I was beginning to feel lightheaded, all because I was nervous about some stupid mistake. I can't believe I did that. What the hell is he gonna say to me?

"So, like, what was going on? This morning. I promise I'm not going to judge you."

I stared at him, and quickly clammed up. My eyes watered slightly, but I was too embarrassed to let myself cry. "Uh... I-I was, well, I..."

Without being able to recollect my thoughts, I was brought in for a kiss. I felt myself moan slightly as his lips connected with mine. It was so pleasurable, and way more overwhelming than an orgasm.

Tsukasa's hands traveled through my hair as he pulled me in closer to him. I gripped onto his biceps and used the touch to kiss him deeper. It all happened so fast, but that didn't make it less enjoyable.

When we pulled back, we were both panting extremely. I was sweating, too. Tsukasa laughed, which confused me a lot. He's laughing, but we just kissed... Does he feel good?

"Y-You have a boyfriend. Did I just make you cheat on him..?"

"Doesn't matter, does it? He's really shitty, too... Way controlling. Wanna go out with me?"

"Yes! Of course I want to go out with you, Tsukasa!"

"I'm glad. Was it my shirt, though?"

I blushed, feeling myself get embarrassed again. "Yes, yes it was."


IS THIS BAD... I rushed it 😭😭

I wanted to post before 100k. TYSM FOR GETTING ME TO THIS MILESTONE!! 1 year of writing this and 100k reads is genuinely amazing. I LOVE YOU ALL!!

Ive been scared to write smut since my last book got taken down. Still not 100% sure what i did wrong

Real smut soon, hopefully
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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