Long Time No See

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ART CREDS!!: https://twitter.com/hgi66r8?t=_KqKTeyTT697f1ClVcR9vQ&s=09
I literally randomly came up with this so please tell me if it's ass
Also yes I included moon rabbit from crk because same VA as emu
This episode will be fluff

(Aftet writing) Hi this sucks I apologize in advance so I'll post again tomorrow


"H-Hey, don't touch that!" I yelled as I tripped and fell over.

I was in my office, trying to tame a wild moon rabbit. It hopped and clambered around, knocking my potions and well-needed materials over. It giggled as I used my magic as an attempt to keep my bottles up, truly finding my exhaustion hilarious.

As much as I wish I could, It would be impossible to stop it with my magic due to its incredible speeds. Ah, I'm so stupid! I'm a genius mage yet my thinking skills are below par... I sighed and rolled the glove off of my right hand. I outstretched my arm and snapped, staying frozen until everything went silent.

Now I'll have the chance to clean up before anyone arrives. I stood up and cracked my back, letting out a yawn. I stared at the moon rabbit and bottles that were frozen in air. Luckily, not many of the bottles were broken.

Quickly, I got to work. Replacing and reforming bottles, stuffing things where they need to go and so on. As I finished, I gently placed the moon rabbit in my arms and snapped again.

The sudden movement as time unfroze again caught me by surprise, but I was able to keep my posture. "Now, you've got to listen to me!" I raised the rabbit up and frowned at it. "I have a strict set of rules that... Wait a moment."

I felt an awkward tingling in my ear, so I set the rabbit down on my desk. Not much happened to me, as I lived in a small building in a forest just outskirts of the main kingdom. The most that would happen is a lost child knocking on my door, annoying teenagers fooling around, or some rabid animals.

Most of the time, any abnormal ear sensations was a signal that my body was weakening. It was dire for me to find some sort of creature to leech off of in order to keep my powers ideal.

For me, it was easy. Walking anywhere, I could sense being's auras. The bigger the aura, the stronger, so I'd go after the creatures with the strongest auras.

I was confident in my abilities to capture things since my own aura was incredibly strong. Quickly, I exited my home and began making my way up to the kingdom's main town.

Since I was out of the kingdom, it was a good trek up to the town. However, I made it in a short amount of time. The streets were bustling with families and trades, every shop was open. Salesmen were yelling, advertising their goods.

Personally, I never understood the talk about big towns and cities, as solitude felt much better. Once in a while, I'd check out the shops to buy something or the other, but I never stayed for long.

This day was particularly busy, as a crowd surrounded two men. Of course! It's the king's birthday, isn't it? And the prince... Oh my.

I stared from afar at the men, staying behind the crowd. As soon as I looked at him, I knew the prince had a large, radiant aura. Him, I want him! My quest to taking the prince would be a challenge, but I knew what I had to do.

Tsukasa POV

I had begged my father to come down to visit the towns for about a week, and he decided that for his birthday it'd give him a good look.

As for myself, I just wanted to visit some shops since I heard from the knights that they had good supplies. I looked through the crowd, smiling and waving politely. However, I didn't want to stay forever. I tapped my bodyguard's shoulder, having him walk me through the crowd so I'd be safer.

Hmm... Maybe I should check out that shop. It looks really colorful! I'm sure Saki would appreciate something from there. Wait a moment...

I raised a brow as a tall, ominous figure stalked past the building, making its way behind it. Who..? Something about my mind was drawn to him. I only saw him for a second, but quickly took off to reach him.

As I got closer to where his tracks were, a loud screech caught me by surprise. I turned around, seeing my father collapsed on the ground. "Pa!-"

A strong hand covered my mouth, shutting me up quickly. I turned my eye to see a grinning man, shining his cunning yellow eyes deep into my heart.

My mind was whirling, but not for long. After just a moment, my vision blurred and a deep sleep overcame me.





I woke up in a rather warm space, feeling the comforting sensation of a loving embrace.

"Good morning, Tsukasa. Long time no see." A whisper played in my ear.

"Who!? G-Get off of me!" I sat up, unnerved by the lack of clothing. "Eh..?"

I stared at the figure that layed beside me, who gave me a sly smile. He was who I used to see when I was younger. A knight in training, the one that completely took me over. Every time I watched him, I felt myself falling deeper.

And... there he was. "Sorry to snatch you like that. I saw you and I guess I couldn't resist. Let's say I was so breathtaken by your sheer beauty after all this time." He winked seductively.

"Woah... What are you talking about!? Give me my clothes back!" I frowned, puffing up my cheeks.

"Calm down..! Tsukasa, tell me you remember me." He sat up, holding my chin.

My heart began to pound. I wasn't sure if I was excited, or genuinely scared. Naturally, I was upset that he took me away without a word, leaving me confused about the safety of my family. On the other hand, my longing heart opened myself up to him.

I knew that he was the one I loved in the past, but it'd been years since that. The purple man moved his face closer to mine.

"Rui, it's pretty hard to forget you." I sighed and pushed myself away from him. "Listen, whatever you're trying to do won't work. Take me home."

His frown turned into a smile. "Sorry, but I have a request to ask of you. Since I was younger, I'd constantly need to feed off of those with a large aura. Remember that?" He slipped off of the bed and walked towards a closet, beckoning me to follow.

"Sure. What does that have to do with me going home?" I followed him into a big walk-in closet.

It smelled sweet, a little musty, but held a scent of nostalgia. "You, my dear friend, hold an awfully powerful aura. Would you stay here with me until my powers come back?" Rui softly spoke, dragging down a large and light nightgown.

He tossed it to me and I grabbed it, glad to have some clothing. "Wouldn't that take a few weeks? I can't leave my family like that."

Rui paused, his eyes turning to me. I shivered, seeing the pure lust that washed over him. "There are other ways to bring them back. However, you're the only person who'd hear me out. What do you say?"

"I..." I suppose he's giving me the chance to say no here. Either way, I miss him. Whatever he's gonna do to me, I trust him. "Fine. Don't expect me to be running to your aid whenever."

I rolled my eyes and Rui giggled, pulling me in for another hug. "It's been far too long, my love..." He lowered his head and gently kissed me, flooding my mind with confusion.

When he pulled back, I stared at him, unable to look at anything other than his sweet grin. "I hate you." I pouted.

"Fufu~ Well then, I hate you, too!"



I had this almost finished then erased it all cause I didn't like the ending but I still don't like the ending

I'm planning on dropping lots of aimless fluff for you guys cause it's easy to write!!! 😈🔥🔥
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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