I Didn't Mean It

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ART CREDS!! https://mobile.twitter.com/Ha11ro_
I'm tired
This chapter will be angst
TW/CW: Swearing, arguing, mentioned suicide (like "kys")


Tsukasa stood in front of me, yelling at me. Like a bitch he pestered me about "not caring about him", "neglecting him" and "getting a little too close with Mizuki". In reality, I had been incredibly busy with work, school, and taking care of my mother. Because of this, I had been out a lot and getting home late. In Tsukasa's mind, I was cheating on him with my best friend.

"I don't understand what closure you need! Apparently nothing I do is good enough for you, just make up your mind on what you want you dumb bitch!" I snapped at him.

"So now you're getting all defensive. All I've ever asked of you is to actually care about me and my health! It's like you're really blind to my issues." He frowned.

"You don't understand that I've been trying my best-"

"Trying your best my ass! You don't give a shit about me at all and you simply brush off my problems whenever I vent to you. Not to mention everyday after work you go and run off with Mizuki. I need your help!" He yelled, beginning to tear up.

"Would you stop being so stubborn and see how I'm just trying to provide for us!? With all my work, you reward me with constant complaining and whining. I can't hold all of your emotional baggage on top of my own."

"You know what? I'll just leave until you can get your shit together. Tell me when you're ready to start acting your age." He blew out a heavy breath and turned around to leave.

"Great, you should do that. Might as well kill yourself while you're gone." I began walking in the opposite direction as him, gripping my arms angrily. However, I felt guilt rise in my stomach because of what I said to him.

Ugh, as much as I'm upset with him, I shouldn't have called him those things.. or told him to do that. I scratched the back of my head when I arrived at the bathroom, sitting down on the ground.

As my mind raced about the events that happened, I heard the front door open quickly then creak shut aggressively. Of course he was upset, it was only natural.

A few days later...

It had been a week since Tsukasa left, and I received no word from him at all, despite sending numerous messages to him and his family. Since he wasn't communicating with me, I figured that I had to go to him.

I arrived at his parent's house, feeling my stomach twisting. All I felt was regret for what I said to him and lonliness. Never in a million years would I say something like that to him ever again.

I knocked three times on the wooden door, hearing someone walking closer to the door. Surprisingly, it was none other than the one that I wanted to see who was at the door. He wore an honest smile, which was fast to drop.

"Seriously? Why are you here? I don't want to see you right now." Tsukasa whispered as if he was trying not to alert someone.

"You've been ignoring me for a week. I'm worried for you, Darling. Please, just come home again." I pleaded.

"But you didn't care about me when I was there."

"We can't start this again right now! At least let me make things better between us, I don't want to be like this forever."

"..." His gaze averted from me, sighing nervously.


"Okay. We can go on a date or something to talk about what happened, but don't think that things are just going to go back to normal."

"I understand. Thank you for trusting me, Tsukasa." I stepped forward and hugged him, although he seemed a little hesitant at first.

"I'll let you slide since it's your first fuck-up, but after this you'll have to do more than take me out on a date to apologize."

I nodded, feeling the most relief I'd ever experienced. I was not embarrassed for having to apologize, but I was proud instead. Proud that I would finally be able to correct my mistakes and make Tsukasa happy again.

This time I'll take care of him properly. I know that he's sensitive and needs more attention, so I'll do what I can!

Honestly ass update I'm sorry but I've been so tired recently 😭😭

Expect some aimless fluff for the next few updates since I need it in my life, and so sorry about angst because I'm the worst at writing it 💔
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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