Crushes 💕

781 10 47

Sorry emunene fans oops
This episode will be fluff

Tsukasa POV

Recently, Rui's sister had been coming to practice with us when she wasn't occupied at home. She seemed to be a lot happier than she used to be. Even though I never really knew her, I'd see her around and she always seemed... off.

Rui didn't tell me anything other than that, "She's been struggling with mental issues lately." I didn't pry any more, but the girls seemed to be fond of her.

Emu looked scared whenever Mafuyu was near, but she always was excited when Rui announced that she'd be over. Mafuyu was a kind spirit, so of course I figured that if I were to get closer to her, I would get closer to Rui as well.

My plan was foolproof, as over the past few weeks I got to know the girl very well! Rui was glad that I was getting along well with her, too.

The only downside, however, was that a specific charismatic girl continuously bugged me about her. Emu told me about how she thought that Mafuyu was really nice and even though I agreed, I thought that Emu's fondness went past platonic. I knew how she felt, since I knew how I felt about Rui. Both of us were unmistakably in love.

I did my best to help Emu by telling her things that Mafuyu liked, which seemed to work. As for me and Rui...

"Tsukasa~ What're you writing?" Rui peered over my shoulder, smiling charismatically as he stared into my journal.

"Back up! You don't always have to be nosy..." I blushed and shut my book, rolling my eyes.

The purple boy pressed against me, hugging me sweetly. "Apologies. I just find this to be interesting. Anything about me in it~?"

"Of course not! It's um... I don't know..." I frowned and set the book down to my side.

A bit of a commotion occurred off the stage, where the girls mindlessly chattered. Emu held up a sword prop, swinging it around as if she was trying to show off her skills. I scoffed at her childish behavior.

"Emu isn't really good at hiding the fact that she likes my sister." Rui sat beside me and leaned against me.

Oh... If he knows about her, then he knows that I like him, right..? Maybe not, I'll just hope for the best.

"Y-Yeah, I kinda figured that out on my own. Emu has never been good at hiding how she feels."

"It's always easy for me to tell when people have crushes and stuff like that." The boy said blatantly, giving a neutral smile as he watched the girls chat.

Okay... I think he's rubbing it in at this point! My face turned red. I balled my fists, glancing over to my side. When my eyes landed on Rui, his were on mine.

I felt myself begin to sweat. Please don't say anything, Rui. Make this easy on me... He had a smirk that made me feel uneasy. One of his hands traveled onto my thigh, squeezing it.

"Um, Rui... This is a bit..." I couldn't find any words that'd be appropriate. My gaze averted from him, saving me the embarrassment of having to watch him grin at me. I knew exactly what was happening to me. Rui knew as well, since he was the one mindlessly tormenting me.

"A bit what? Hmm... Fufu, are you getting nervous, my star? Let me tell you a secret..."

He leaned down, his mouth just next to my red ear. I was completely flustered, my mind unable to stray from the boy that made me a mess.

"Tsukasa, I-"

Quickly, I covered his mouth and turned to face him. My brows furrowed, showing him that I was rather upset. I leaned closer to him, feeling a bit ashamed to be in this situation.

"I really like you, Rui! The last thing I wanted was for you to take the honor of saying those words for me." I sighed, feeling my heart beat steadily.

Taking in deep breaths, I allowed my nerves to calm. "Oh. Honestly, I wasn't even gonna mention something like that..." Rui's face turned as red as mine.

"What..?" My lip quivered and I pushed him away. "Forget I said anything!" I began to stand up, wanting to leave.

"Wait, Tsukasa! Don't leave me just yet. I can't truly forget anything like that... especially since it came from such a cute boy such as yourself~!"

He smiled and embraced me tightly from behind. What the hell is happening to me? That was so embarrassing, an accidental confession..! But he doesn't seem to care. Rui is just teasing me...

"Don't call me cute! You don't even know how humiliating this is for me..." I stuck my tongue out at him, but didn't move away.

The tall boy planted a small kiss on my cheek before landing another one on my jaw.

"But you really are... I really like you too, Tsukasa."


I didn't care about this honestly I just had nothing else ready for tsukasa pov

I might be on smut strike, but who knows... plans might change. I just want to enjoy nice and silly fluff for a while!!
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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