The Boy I Admire

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Middle school A.U. (grade 8), pretend it makes sense 😭
This episode will be fluff
TW/CW: Mentions of bullying, homophobia/transphobia


Everyday in the halls, I watch him. Just from afar is enough, as long as I can see him. Tenma is strong and can get past any and all obstacles. I've seen him get bullied for his sexuality, and for being transgender. Despite this, I love him and enjoy being even semi-near him.

But when he actually talks to me, it's a way different story. "Excuse me, Kamishiro?" A light tap on my shoulder ripped me out of my thoughts.

"Um, yes..?" I glanced up at him from my seat on my desk. He wore such a gentle smile, and it was directly at me. I blushed.

"Class has been over for a few minutes. You can go to lunch now."

"Oh! I spaced out. T-Thank you for telling me." I got my books and things together, shoving them in my bag.

"Yeah, no problem! Also, I've noticed that you tend to eat alone, and I wanted to know if you'd let me join you?" He asked, nervously rocking onto the tips of his toes as I stood up.

What the hell? Tenma wants to eat with me! I nearly squealed out it excitement.

"Yes, I'd love to have you join me! Um, w-well yeah." Exhilaration filled me up, and I took up on the offer without any hesitation.

He took my right hand and walked with me. Never in my entire life had I thought that the one boy I've been admiring for months, would actually ask to do anything with me.

Instead of leading us to the cafeteria, he brought me to a spot behind it, just outside of the school property. This sparked much curiosity in me, so I asked him why we were here as I took in my surroundings.

All he said in a vague response was, "It's where I eat."

He set down mine and his bentos down on the ground on a large flattened tree stump, and sat down on another, as if he was sitting at a nature table. "Let me elaborate. Sometimes I sit here for lunch, but just when I have friends who want to join. This is much more calming opposed to the loud and nosiness of the cafeteria."

I awkwardly sat down beside him and stared at him intensely, wanting to hear him talk more.

".." He looked back at me as if he didn't know what to say. Instead of using my unskillful words and vocabulary, I opted for scooting even closer to him, slightly slouching over so our heads would be level. "What?" He looked unamused.

"Um.. I like hearing your voice." I replied, waiting for him to say something more. However, I got a different reaction than what I expected.

"WHAAT!?" The blond's face illuminated to a deep red similar to the tips of his hair, and he covered his face. This attempt went in vain because of his ear tips sharing the same color. "You didn't just say that.. if anything it should be me saying that to you."

Tsukasa took a sip from his water bottle and cleared his throat nervously.

"So uh, then you like my voice?" I pressed.

"Hmp- No.. no way! ..Maybe I do. You don't talk that much, but it's really nice when you do. You always have important things to say no matter the situation."

After hearing this, I felt that Tsukasa might actually share feelings for me.

"Thanks, Tsukasa. I didn't even know that someone like you would pay attention to me." I admitted.

"Someone like me?"

"Popular, kind, that one person everyone looks up to. You're always so busy."

"I'd be actually surprised if I didn't know who you are!" He gave me a sweet hug, placing his head in the crook of my neck.

Does this count as cuddling? I questioned in my head hugging him back. "Tsukasa, not to be weird or anything but.." I paused, making sure that I wanted to tell him. "I think that I like you, like, I want to be boyfriends."

Shit! I'm moving way too fast. I should've at least given him a chance to think-

Tsukasa distracted me by planting a quick kiss on my cheek. Huh? I raised a hand to my cheek and my face flushed. "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have done that." He backed up from me, looking upset.

"N-No, actually it's okay." I reassured Tsukasa, placing a hand on his back.

"Your face is really soft."

"PARDON ME!?" I panicked, turning redder.


Oopsies I didn't update for three days mb, I just didn't feel like writing for a while and I still kinda don't but I'll continue updating because it's the least I could do for yall

Like I said, shorter chapters, and probably less but we'll see!
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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