Sweets and Kisses

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ART CREDS!!: https://twitter.com/RIRI45309899?t=I5oNqNp_f39jasP2Nc8zXw&s=09
Idk what to put
This episode will be fluff duh

Also... did I use that art already??? Idfk if you notice that I reuse any art lmk and I'll change it 🔥🔥

Tsukasa POV

Rui sat huddled next to me on our couch. The weather had never been sadder and everything was soaked and chilly, so we had taken PTOs to skip work and stay at home.

"Tsukasa~ you make the best hot cocoa!" He sipped from his mug and snuck his head into the crook of my neck.

"Hah! I know how good it is. I'd like to say that I can make the best hot cocoa ever." I grinned and kissed Rui, causing him to blush slightly and look away from me. "You're so cute!"

Rui's hair seemed to stand and he covered his face with his left hand. "T-Tsukasa... do you not get embarrassed?" He took another small sip, but I raised a brow.

"Why would I get embarrassed? After all, I am proud to have the best boyfriend in the world!!" I moved our cups to the coffee table and pulled Rui up on my lap.

"Thank you Tsukasa, I love you." He kissed me on my forehead and wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you more~ But also, I bought some candy for us! They're mostly chocolates, but I also ordered some other kinds." I held Rui closely and nuzzled up with him.

I did my best to show Rui how much I loved him, especially through actions and words. I knew that he often doubted himself and struggled with self-esteem. Since I truly did love him, I made sure that he knew at least that much.

To show him more affection, I'd often buy him candy and sweets since he had a preference for them.

"Y-You did? I really appreciate it, but you don't have to spend so much money on me..." Rui bashfully glanced to the side.

"Of course I did!! And don't worry about the costs. I have the money, so why would I spend it on anything other than showing you my love~?" I held onto him, rubbing his back and waist gently.

The purple boy sighed with a small grin. As I entered the kitchen, I gently set Rui down and kneeled at a cabinet, opening it to see inside. Ah, here they are. I nodded to myself, reaching for the bag.

It was reasonably sized and had lots of hard candy inside. Rui's favorites were hard candies because he enjoyed to chew on them, so I often bought them for him. I chuckled as he nearly started to drool over the sight alone.

Turning to our freezer, I pulled out another bag of cold chocolates. They were square shaped, which I liked for easy holding.

"These look good, so thank you. Why don't we watch a movie together while we snack?" Rui suggested, taking my hand.

I smiled, taking my bag while he took his own. We walked side-by-side, heading back to the couch where we previously sat. "We still have cocoa, so we'll enjoy it when we snack. What movie would you like to watch?"

Sitting beside him, Rui got his head comfortable on my chest. "Hmm... Preferably something cute. Nothing scary, I wanna have a good time."

"That's surprising! Haha, that's fine with me."


After the movie, Rui and I were running on hurting stomachs from the amounts of candy. Fortunately, we were able to laugh it off instead.

He softly groaned under me, pushing himself up to me. "You're so warm, like my own body pillow." Rui wrapped his limbs around me and I chuckled.

"Hehe, I'm glad I could be of service!" I kissed his cheek and pinned him down, giving him a deeper kiss.

The purple boy squeaked, being caught off guard. I pulled back, admiring how cute he looked while blushing. I pinched Rui's cheeks and kissed his neck, gently nibbling on his soft skin.

"T-Tsukasa..!" He whined, holding my body close for a hug.

"I can hardly help it when you're just this adorable!"


Short because I wanted to get something out

Someone asked for bottom rui fluff like 8 years ago and I just didn't post it I'm sorry whoever said that 💔
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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