Just One Kiss

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ART CREDS!!: https://x.com/Dyalexa_?t=3bb97cCP_zaChjkaO2kXcQ&s=09

I got ruikasa to say Sega and colorful Pallette together twice in a row and then I came up with this idea lol
This episode will be fluff

Tsukasa POV

Rui and I decided to take a stroll through Pheonix Wonderland together. It'd been a while since we last went just to have fun, usually because we were so busy practicing. The girls, Emu and Nene, said that they'd join us.

Before they got here, Rui told me that he had something very important to show me. After cautiously asking if it was some wild invention of his, he giggled and told me otherwise. "It's something big for you, my star~!"

I walked a few inches away from him, comfortable with his presence. We reached the stage, which looked normal as usual. I snuck a glance at Rui's face, which held his adorable smile, making me want to smile just by seeing it. As he began walking forward, he noticeably sped up, proving that he really was excited.

"I'm anxious to see whatever this is! Things that you're excited about could hardly be normal..." I joked, speeding up as well to match his pace.

Rui's smile grew and he laughed. The two of us walked up the stairs of the stage, where I could catch a glance behind the show curtains.

"Tsukasa, I'm sure you'll love it. Back here, I have..." The taller boy picked up a large cardboard box which was heavy, suggested by his straining. "It's.. ah?"

Most of the time, I'd let Rui do what he needed, but he was clearly struggling. I stepped forward and held the bottom of the box to help him move it. "Where to, Mr. Director?"

"Oh, umm... Just a bit forward."

Doing what he needed, I helped him bring the box forward. Setting it down, the purple boy let out a loud sigh.

"My star, go ahead and open it! I want the big reveal to get your heart racing! I promise it'll be incredible~"

"Okay, sure!" I leaned over to open the box from the top, which didn't have any tape or bindings to keep it shut.

Inside, was a finished, about three quarters my size robot. It semi-resembled RoboNene, which was truly a showcase of Rui's style. Immediately, I fell in love with it.

The robot must've taken a long time to finish, but it even wore my new costume. "So, how do you like it? Oh, let me just remove this."

Rui kneeled down to rip off and remove the cardboard. It was clear that the robot was never supposed to be in there to begin with, it was just to make an appearance. No matter what, I still adored how much he took into consideration.

I also kneeled down, but to admire the creation. "Haha, it's perfect, Rui! Every single part is scarily accurate."

"I won't lie, I may have snuck into our dressing room to take your uniform. With it being newer and all, I am still not so familiar with it."

"So you're the one that took it!? Even still, I suppose I can't be mad. You're always so skilled with things like this! Rui, I really love it!"

The taller boy bashfully looked away as his face tinted pink. "Really, it's just a passion project. I'm glad you like it, though."

"Passion project"? God, he's incredible. How something so extraordinary be pushed off as a simple passion project? Loving Rui had so many ups and little to no downs.

I had everything I needed. Someone to love me, someone to love, someone to give me affection, and someone to care for me. And someone who likes to tease me. Smiling to myself, I raised my head to look at the purple boy again.

Taking note of my action, Rui also turned to look at me. I felt a lump in my throat and tried to swallow it down, but I was so anxious. After letting out a sigh, I went for it.

"Rui, can we kiss?"


"Can we... kiss?"

His face went from an eerie pale to a deep red impossibly fast. Rui nodded frantically and leaned into me, slightly pressing our shoulders together.

"Is that really okay?"

"Yes! I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't okay!"

"In that case, sure."

With my reassurance, the boy calmed down and leaned over to see me eye to eye. It was a blessing to see his lovely eyes up close. They made me shiver with delight when I saw them, making me feel incredible.

The purple boy giggled and moved in closer to me, stopping as our lips touched. This is our second kiss, isn't it? It feels so good... just as good as our first. I pushed my lips harsher against Rui's, hungry for more or his touch.

The taller boy's hand reached out for my waist and pulled me a bit closer in. I held onto him as I felt my heartbeat race. Rui slowly pulled back, to which I was a bit disappointed in.

"See? I told you we'd find them here!!" A cheerful voice exclaimed, getting closer to where I sat with Rui.

I sighed and turned to face the sound's direction. Emu was running alongside Nene, both of them looking happy. Well, we did agree to meet all together.

"Here we go." I chuckled as they approached.

Rui slightly leaned into me and held my hand. "How about we come back later to pick him up? We should spend time with the girls first." He suggested, nodding his head towards the robot.

"Yeah, that sounds good! Come on, Rui. We have a big day ahead of us!"


Nnmmm mammamamamanananananpappapapapallalalalalalala

I'm tired it's nao time jdndnsksk napmapnapnapnapnaap
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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