In Love With the.. Butler?

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Rui looks like a dad in that card
Royalty AU, Shibuya Japan (cause thats where they are in the game JUST PRETEND THAT IT MAKES SENSE!!), prince Tenma cause yes
This episode will be fluff

Third person POV

In the kingdom of Shibuya, the royal family was intense and strict, at least that's what the outsiders thought. The people of Shibuya respected their leaders, as they made sure everything was proper. The whole kingdom was able to thrive because of the protection and care given, despite the rulers making sure that everyone used formal etiquette and obeyed every law exactly.

In the family, there was the king and queen, their eldest son, Tsukasa Tenma who was 18 years old, their only daughter, Saki Tenma, who was 17, and their youngest child, Toya Tenma.

Tsukasa Tenma was a very energetic and friendly prince, Saki Tenma was a very lively and cheerful princess, and Toya Tenma was a soft-spoken, gentle, and helpful prince.

Despite the many, Tsukasa Tenma is the main focus of this story. He's been in a major problem recently, and it has to do with the family's butler. Rui Kamishiro was their butler, a tall, handsome young man who many people in the kingdom often fawned over. Tsukasa was one of the large amount of people.

He noticed how his scruffy blonde hair stood up whenever Rui caught him by surprise, Tsukasa's bright red face and ears giving away his feelings, except when around family, Tsukasa can keep his cool a little easier so they don't suspect anything.

One day, he came to this realization of his feelings.

Tsukasa POV

As I paced back and forth in my over-sized room while still in my sleepwear, I contemplated everything that I'd been doing wrong for the past few months. My parents were letting me "train" for when I would become king. They would have me make many important decisions around the castle, and it seems that I accidentally started overworking the maids and butlers.

Even though I've been doing what I feel is best, everyone else around the castle seems way more stressed. Perhaps I am just choosing what makes me the most satisfied and pushing back the others' needs. I pondered, but was just interrupted by a kind butler, my favorite butler.

"Ahem, Sir Tenma?" A light knock on my wooden door and soft voice sounded from just across the room.

Ah, that must be Rui. He'll know how to help me!

My feet rubbed against the fluffy carpet with each step I took. Surprisingly, this carpet always was able to calm me down because of the texture alone, but this time was much different.

I opened the door just after fixing my hair up, to see just the man I wanted to see. "I'm very glad to see you, Kamishiro. Please, come in." I stepped aside and let the taller inside my room. We both headed over to a nearby love seat which fit both of us perfectly.

The two of us kept secrets often. My family always had very strict rules about attire, speech, and other behavior. Despite this, Rui and I got really close with each other and decided to just drop the formalities. We were both happier that we could be ourselves when alone. Over time, we became best friends, and now we're more than that. Although we weren't dating, I did have feelings for my butler.

My biggest issue is arranged marriages. Dad and Mom already have selected possible brides for me, and I'll have to explain to them, but that's a problem for a different time.

"Rui, I feel like I've been messing everything up! Ever since my parents let me work the castle, I've noticed that the maids, butlers, chefs, EVERYONE has been so exhausted... I'm just so wrong!" I gripped my disheveled hair and slightly pulled it down, covering my face with it along with my hands.

A comforting hand landed on my neck and moved from there and down my back. "I'm not sure what you mean, I've actually noticed the opposite. What I think the problem is is that you're stressing yourself out with the fear of us being overworked. I want you to take a good break, okay?" He looked at me with warmth in his golden eyes.

"What..? I don't understand." I rubbed my temples, getting annoyed.

"The people around the castle are fine. You're doing an amazing job at taking care of us, but you also need to take care of yourself as well." He explained.

Oh. Oh! This is why I love Rui.

"I think you're right! Thank you so much. I do think that it would be hard to rest though, since I am doing all of the work."

"Heh, that's when marriage comes into play. Your spouse will help you, it won't be just you. Just know that I'm proud of you and love you very much. I know you can do it." The gentle words spoken to me helped relieve my anguish and nervousness.

"I love you too. Thanks for always taking care of me. Without you, I'd probably be completely overthinking." I raised my head and looked back at Rui, so we could keep eye contact.

Even just looking at Rui was always such a relief, especially because of how his gaze always made more confident and happy. Realizing that our hands were touching after he set his back down.

I heard a small giggle from Rui as I silently freaked out. Ugh, his stupid laugh.. it's great.

He leaned his head down towards me, moving my head up to his. What is he doing? Oh my goodness, I've been wanting this for so long!

We were soon just an inch apart as he raised his hand up to hold my face soothingly. I was worried that he might've been just teasing me, or wiping something off my face. All of my thoughts stayed revolved around things like these, but I shut my eyes tightly, waiting for the kiss.

The younger moved in and brought our lips together with a swift motion. The faint heat from both of us made the moment more intense, at least for me. I enjoyed Rui's delicate lips matching with mine, and synchronizing with our movements. We had only kissed once before, when we were much younger. That time, it was out of curiosity. This time it was out of love.

When we pulled back, I was quick to miss the moment. It was a small, but meaningful kiss.

"You're doing a great job, Tsukasa. I want you to continue how you are right now, but with that bit of confidence and strength that you're missing." Rui spoke.

"Thank you, but it's really hard to keep up the personality. Once I lose it, it's difficult to gain it back." A sense of sadness filled me as I admitted that.

"Don't worry about not having it. Just know that if you ever need someone to give you that strength, I'm always here."

"I think that the first thing I need is some really nice cuddles." I smiled humorously at Rui.

"Well that sounds nice. I'd gladly help you with that."


Idk I just wanna say that when they said I love you to each other, it was less of a romantic thing and more platonic cause I do that with my friends a lot.

I might make a part 2 so I can go into more detail about certain things (and add more fluff) but I'll just think about it NO PROMISES!!
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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