Late Night Shift

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Guys this is super cliche and cringe but ik you'll read it anyways
Some news, I'm gonna be starting a real ruikasa angst/fluff fic so I'll lyk when its out
This episode will be fluff
CW(?): A small amount of swearing


I sighed and lazily slouched in a chair at the back of the register. I worked the night shift, from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m., and I clocked in an hour ago. There wasn't much going on, and there were really just a few crackheads who came by to buy a pack of cigarettes or a bottle of alcohol.

However, a diamond was found in the dirt and a very cute boy came in at around 12:15. I admired him from afar, not wanting to freak him out. He was wearing a casual beige and brown striped hoodie and tight black jeans.

As he approached me at the register, I smiled and waved, giving a friendly impression.

When he set his things on the counter, my first instinct was to start some kind of small chat before he left. "What are you doing out here this late? I've gotten only weirdos in up to now." I asked.

"Heh, sounds believable! I just got home from a long road trip with my siblings, actually. We planned on getting back sooner but traffic is always a pain in the ass."

So he's local! Maybe I'll get to see him around eventually.

We continued chatting casually even after I bagged his stuff for him. Since we were mid conversation, there was no reason to not continue. I very unprofessionally sat on the counter, grateful for the absence of my co-workers.

"Honestly, I don't really take road trips very often because of how tiring it gets me, I'm sure I'm already graying by the stress from my-"

"TSUKAASSAAA!!!" A younger girl stepped in with some attitude in her stride. "You said you'd be right back!" Tsukasa turned around and crossed his arms.

"Yeah, and I also said to stay IN THE CAR! You know it's dangerous out here, ESPECIALLY at this time."

Watching the scene, I giggled. This was definitely the most entertaining thing I'd seen in the past month because of my uneventful life.

The two siblings bickered for a few minutes. His younger sister ran off back to the car and he shook his head. "Sorry for the inconvenience.."

"No worries here! I honestly appreciate the company. Thanks for stopping by."

"I'll have to come back here sometime! And since we didn't get to finish our conversation, here's this." The blond picked up a blue pen from a basket that was sitting on the counter and rushedly scribbed his phone number on it.

He began making his way out, waving at me. At least I got his number..? It was a score.

A MAJOR score.

From then, we texted and called regularly, even setting up friendly dates to go on every once in a while. I was surprised that literally just attending my boring ass job would get me a really attractive friend.

Skip like a month (or 2 idk)

Tsukasa offered for me to stay at his place for a couple days, and I agreed. While there, we both wanted to try a lot of things and baking was one of them! Neither of us really had an interest in it, but figured it would make for a good activity.


As Tsukasa learned about how an oven works, I put in and mixed the wet ingredients.

"Uh.. I think I got it! What does the box say?" He assuredly spoke.

"340°F, you got that?" I squinted to see what the box said while I stirred.

"Yes, thank you! Now, I'll finish working on this second batch." He had an unfinished mixture, with the ingredients in but it wasn't stirred. "Could you hand me the second whisk?"

"Yeah, one second!" I agreed and put down my bowl, grabbing the whisk. "Here, Ah!" As he stepped forward and reached to grab it, he tripped on a pair of kitchen scissors.

He stumbled forward and gripped onto me for stability, pushing me backwards. We both collapsed together onto the ground.

Almost as if our lives were taken directly from a cheesy romcom anime, he ended up sitting square on my lap. We were both dazed so it took us a moment to realize this.

Tsukasa's face lit up red, he was probably both embarrassed and shocked. "Oh- I'm sorry Rui!" His voice cracked slightly, and I thought it was cute.

"Fufu, I don't mind~" I pulled him back down before he could get up, and bit his ear lightly in a teasing manner.

The only noise that escaped his mouth was the sound of him attempting to speak, but not having any words to say. I was fully charmed by the sight before me, but it seemed like he was not.

"N-Not funny! Hmph, let's just go back to... right, the whisk! Where is it?" He didn't get up from my lap, but instead dusted off his thighs as though he were standing.

"Right down there, sir." I nodded my head at his foot, where the whisk also was, crushed underneath it.

"What!? Are you kidding?? Ugh, I'm so- Y'know what? Let's just eat the shit raw why don't we!" He kicked the whisk away annoyedly stood up. He clearly wasn't incredibly upset, it was just a thing that'd go away quickly.

"Hey, it's fine. I'm nearly done mixing so you can use mine right after. Also, eating raw brownie mix sounds so romantic, especially doing it with you!" I joked.

"Hah! I'm sure it does." He laughed back.


Msmsnsnsnsn I was grounded for like 2 seconds
I'm so happy guys how tf did I start this book as a joke and I have nearly 6k reads?? A lot of you are super consistent too and I appreciate the attention 💕

I have another chapter going so stay tuned for a (possibly) early update
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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