Impressing Mr. Director

825 9 89


This episode will be fluff

Tsukasa POV

After hearing a knock at my front door, I excitedly ran up to answer it. I had a long day planned out, and I needed everything to go right. Well... I guess I don't have very much, but this'll help me!

I swung the door open and grinned at Saki, who waved at me from the other side. "Perfect! Just who I was hoping for! Come in, come in." I beckoned Saki inside and shut the door.

"Hi~! What's got you looking so happy today?" She laughed and kicked her shoes off quickly.

After receiving a warm hug from her, I led her straight to our couch and sat her down, getting ready to explain. I had a large poster that contained a few paragraphs about how I felt around Rui. I figured that, 'Since he's a smart guy, I should solve my emotions just as a smart guy would!'.

"This! I must keep talking to you about Rui. There's more to add! Just earlier today in class, he- h-he winked at me!!" I announced, a blush creeping up on my face.

Saki gasped, a knowing smile forming on her face. "Ooh! What was the context? How did he make you feel!?"

I felt my heart thump quicker just by thinking about Rui. When I imagined that wink he gave me, my heart was so close to bursting out of my body completely. How did it make me feel..? No, how did he make me feel?

A small drop of sweat rolled down my neck as I felt myself freak out. My mind raced with a billion words that would describe what I felt. Maybe it was gleeful, special, cherished- whatever it was, it was definitely positive. Not even a single negative thought mingled in my excited brain, which was a relief.

"It was... I-It was... unbelievable. It was really, really, really amazing! It was spectacular!! He never fails to disappoint!" I confessed.

Saki laughed-probably at me- then stood up. She stepped closer to me and moved the poster away. "It's really obvious that you like him, so why don't you tell him? Who knows, maybe he actually feels the same!?"


Tell him?


You want me to tell THE Kamishiro Rui that I have a crush on him!? My best friend!? Wouldn't he hate me for that?? Even if he likes boys, there's no way that he'd like me out of all of them. Rui was such an elegant and exciting person, while I wasn't. I was far from being on his level.

I gulped and shook my head, feeling nervousness overcome me. I felt like I would vomit the moment she suggested telling him. If I told him and he didn't feel the same, I'd be humiliated. He wouldn't even want to stay friends with me.

"There's no way..! I'm super anxious just talking about him! I never really knew how to bring something like this up to the people of interest." My voice quieted, reflecting my emotions.

"Hey, you should try to impress him! Do something that you really like doing and show him! Maybe then he'd like it~?"

"Ah, that's a wonderful idea!! Excellent, Saki, you're right!" I leaned over and squeezed her tightly in a hug.

She's so smart! Something that I enjoy doing to impress the love of my life..! Ew... why did I call him that? Oh! I've got this, I know what to do!


"Rui!! Stop running! I need to show you something-!" I called out to the tall boy who was already far out of the school building.

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