Forehead Kisses

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this is insp from a post by @ jul1zzz on Twitter about their heights being perfect for forehead kisses
This episode will be fluff

Tsukasa POV

"Hey!! Tsukasa..! Why have you been so quiet today?"

I turned my attention to my friend, Emu, who hopped in front of me. She looked a bit concerned, but still gave me a bright smile. The other two were also looking at me, but from a few feet away.

My head hurt slightly and my finger pads were turning purple, just a simple side effect of the cold. My muscles seemed tight, and to anyone it'd be clear that I wasn't performing well. I was embarrassed, but my silence was rather that I was cold.

There had been harsh weather over our city, but we chose to keep performing. The others seemed fine, so I told myself to get over. My voice was harsh and raspy, horrible compared to my previous charisma.

"Oh, sorry for any worries! I just- ahem, zoned out." My throat was scratchy, making it harder for me to speak.

From behind me, I heard a sweet voice that warmed me up. "Tsukasa, how are you feeling about your scene? Is it too lengthy?"

Once again, my focus was shifted. This time, to the tall purple boy that walked up to me. "Haha, it's great! I'm sure that I'll easily be able to get it done! Thank you for checking on me."

Rui nodded and carefully wrapped his arms around my waist. I shivered, partly from the cold and partly from the anxiety. He held me closer to him, then raised my face with his gloved left hand.

I willingly looked up at him, feeling my heart thump quicker by the second. I wanted to say something to calm myself down, but I just didn't know what to say. He giggled, leaning his head down to kiss my forehead.

It was as if his touch was magical. My body felt warm again, while my headache faded with just a kiss. He moved his head back, then frowned.

"You're cold, my love. Is that what's been bothering you..?" His hands lovingly caressed my face.

"Uh, w-well... partly. It's really nothing, though! I promise that I can keep going without you having to worry."

"No, I don't believe that. And your face is getting pink! Come on, let's at least go into a room backstage." Rui held my hand firmly and began to lead me away.

I shook my head, feeling my heart flutter even more. I was sure that my facial color was just because of how Rui was making me feel. "I-I'm..! Ugh, okay!"

My cheeks turned a darker shade of red as he dragged me away. The girls didn't seem to mind, which was good because I hadn't got the chance to tell them. I sighed and sped up, allowing myself to walk beside him.

Rui's hands are nice. I... suddenly wish that I had gloves. His sleeves are low, too, so holding hands with him is relieving. I leaned into his touch and watched as he opened a door to a small room.

In case of any weather turns, we had this room for breaks. If it got too hot, we had AC, if it got too cold, we had a heater, it was waterproof from the outside, and even had stability in case of an earthquake. It was very safe.

There was already a welcoming heat that radiated from inside. Rui held me and quickly pushed me inside, striding to the other side of the room to open up a small fridge.

"Tsukasa, I... am worried. I saw your fingers earlier, they're so obviously frostbitten!" He returned to me and sat me down on a couch.

Sitting beside me, the tall boy rubbed my frozen hands, then took me in. I accepted his love and rested my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry... I just really didn't want you guys to get upset if I didn't perform today."

"Aww, my love," He pet my head and ran his fingers through my hair, "Don't worry about things like that. You need to take care of yourself, we'd never get mad at you for that!"

The boy leaned over and kissed my forehead again. I closed my eyes as his soft lips touched my skin. He pulled back, then pushed me down onto the couch, kissing my face repeatedly. His hands pushed back my hair as he peppered me in the sweetness of his lips.

"A-Ah!! Haha, Rui~!" I laughed and couldn't help but smile as he covered me with kisses.

After a small kiss to my cheek, he backed up and flicked my forehead. "You're just so cute! But still, I want you to stay in here for a bit, 'kay?"

Still recovering from the laughter, I wiped my eyes and nodded. "Okay, okay. Will you stay with me?"

"Of course I will. I love you, Tsukasa."

"I love you more, Rui! We have snacks in here don't we? It'll be nice to have some time with you."

"Mhm! Stay right here and I'll get you some~"

While watching him, I felt a nice happiness. Rui reminded me that I actually did have people who loved me, even in the times where it felt like I had nothing left.

The purple boy sat beside me again and handed me a small bag of candies. It was nice to have someone to care for me so much, and I already felt myself getting better. The cold had completely disappeared, and I felt refreshed again.

"Thank you, Rui..."

"Anything for you, my star. Is something the matter?"

"No, not at all! Uh... I love you." I leaned into him.

"I love you more~♡"


It's so easy to end these with I love you

Anyways, I'm obsessing over wxs new outfits!! I think they're a lot more polished, although less colorful for the boys, but they seem so natural with the characters!!

This is the uhh picture I took inspo from on twt (ITS BEAUTIFUL)

This is the uhh picture I took inspo from on twt (ITS BEAUTIFUL)

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Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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