Ballroom Murders

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Another royalty A.U. where everyone involved comes from a high rank family
This episode will be angst and fluff (fluff at very end)
TW/CW: Death, violence, firearms and blood


Every year, the annual royalty ball would be held to celebrate the many kingdoms who ruled devoutly. Being a prince of a royal family made me automatically invited to this event, and I had been attending since my toddler years.

The people I've met around my age became my friends, but I was advised not to get close to them. In order for my family to succeed others, we'd have to eliminate them eventually. Of course that duty had fallen onto me.

I stared from across the ballroom, watching elders and those in their prime carelessly chug down glasses of wine. Spiking it would be a foolish act, as my very own father tended to it.

A few familiar faces passed by and waved to me. I'd smile back and stay friendly without them having a clue of my mind being full with homicidal visions.

"Kamishiro! Im glad you were able to attend. I've finally been trusted by my parents to host!"

Great, my knight in shining armor. I couldn't help but grin. "You deserve to have your shot at it. All along I knew that you'd make an amazing host."

The short blonde boy skipped over to me, keeping up his bright persona.

"Hmm, yes, I'm glad you think so! But what are you doing here by yourself? You should join me and my siblings in the east wing." The boy offered.

"I apologize, but I can't. I've been ordered by my father to stay nearby." I felt a hint of anxiety. If he offers to stay here, I'll have no choice but to call in Mizuki.

I gulped nervously while looking at the troubled boy. "Aw.. In that case, I'll stay with you!"

Of course.

"Thank you, I appreciate the company."

I continued by taking us to a nearby seating arrangement and lead on the conversation. We both knew each other quite well due to the many years we'd been meeting at the ball.

As we conversed, I noticed my father's heated gaze on both of us. I glimpsed up only to see him judging from afar. He wants me to get the job done. I frowned lightly at him and felt my neck.

In case the plan went astray, I had an emergency button implanted on my neck which would quickly notify the Akiyamas of my whereabouts, and they'd take care of the situation violently.

I pushed the small button without letting Tsukasa see, and the movement went unnoticed by him. The power should be going off any minute now...

I counted the seconds in my mind until I could begin the process.


"Rui, may I tell you something?"


"Yes, I'm open to anything."


"W-Well.. I know this might not be the time but I need to say-" As we stared into each other's eyes, I felt a pain in my heart. I'm sorry. The lights shut off and the sound of glass breaking along with masked people infiltrated the room.

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