Emu Snitches

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ART CREDS!!! https://twitter.com/ria_rks?s=20&t=BX2Aw0GjNR2WqgxpkoMVTA
No she doesn't get stitches + Emunene scraps
This episode will be big fluff
CW: A little bit of swearing

Tsukasa POV

At the Wonder Stage, Nene and I carried out a few boxes of props. We planned on sorting through them all, but Rui and Emu were running late.

"Hmm.. I suppose we should just open the boxes now and wait for them to get back before we sort the props." I suggested, looking over at Nene.

"Yeah, sure. There's no way we're gonna do these by ourselves." She responded.

A few minutes had passed and there was no sign of Emu nor Rui. We were both starting to get concerned, as Emu was always early and I usually walked straight here with Rui on practice days after school.

"So, did he ditch you today?" Nene asked teasingly.

"Of course he didn't ditch me! He just avoided me after school ended." I spoke, getting irritated with the wait.

Nene just let out a small laugh and then pulled out her phone. I didn't want to be a nuisance to her so I stayed quiet until I heard stomping and yelling from behind me. "NENE!! TSUKASA!!" A familiar voice screeched.

"Oh! Emu, Rui, what took you guys so long!? I nearly fell asleep while waiting." I crossed my arms and turned around to face the pair who walked in rather nonchalantly.

Emu skipped up to me and grinned. "I just had to talk with Rui!" She then continued and dragged Nene away, somewhere off the stage.

I shrugged to myself and sighed. She really is something.. a little too energetic and mysterious for me. Anyways, I need to ask Rui what all of that was about! I quickly changed my demeanor and gave the boy next to me a short smile.

"Emu told me a few things, you know~" He cooed and leaned down. He pulled me closer to him, and with this action my heart started racing.

"Uh.. what did she tell you?" I felt like my body was going to burn up at his touch.

He's really bringing me this close to him! Never would I have ever imagined.. wait, what did Emu tell him!? I've told her all of my deepest and darkest secrets..! My love stricken panic turned into a true panic in just a breath.

"Well, she did tell me that you happen to have a bit of a crush on your director. I suppose it's up to you on whether this is true or not.. Fufu~" He giggled in my ear, and just his seductive tone alone made me want to combust. Or just play a clip of his voice on repeat forever.

"She- Wait, no! I.. I don't.. she's fibbing!" I pushed the taller away from me and darted my gaze to the ground. "There's no way I'd.. No." I lied and ashamedly stared at my feet.

Rui always knows whether I tell the truth or not.. that's the only downside to our friendship.

"Now, now, don't throw a fit quite yet. I won't pester you about the situation. Do what you want to do, and I'll always be open if you need to talk." He sounded so unaffected and casual as if he wasn't discussing the fact that his best friend has feelings for him.

"Before you do anything." I grabbed his wrist and looked up at him once again. I stepped in closer to him so I wouldn't have to embarrass myself by loudly announcing my words. "Do you like me the same way?" I stared into his kind, light yellow eyes.

After asking this, I noticed a clear change in his behavior. "Well, I.. I think I do. And I'd be more than happy to do.. cringey couple shit with you." He stuttered over a few words, but I chuckled at his cutely blatant reply.

"Really? I'd also be certainly stoked to partake in cringey couple shit with you as well!" I laughed proudly and placed my hands on my hips.

It'll be best to lighten up the mood! I can't have us act awkward around each other for the rest of eternity.!!

Nene POV

Emu forced me to witness the absolute bullshit fest that stood in the center of the Wonder Stage. Rui and Tsukasa awkwardly confessed to each other, which wasn't surprising to me at all. The most surprising thing was that Emu had actually set it all up.

"See, Nene! Aren't I super duper smart after all???" The pink haired girl gave a peppy and loud whisper-yell.

"Huh, I guess so. Neither of them were gonna end up confessing on their own, so I'll give you credit for pushing them."

Because of the praise I gave her, Emu brought me in for a tight bear hug.

My face heated up at the sudden touch. God. Emu was the wingman for them, but will either of them be the wingman for us?


This took me so long to write onfg

Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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