You've Got it Wrong!

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trans-Kasa again (it's one of my fav hc)
This episode will be fluff and angst


Tsukasa was a popular model student who many people looked up to in our school. I also admired him, but also for his incredible acting skills on the stage.

One day, I heard some girls chatting outside the entrance to the school about Tsukasa's gender.

"I mean... I never thought that Tenma was a girl."

"I used to go to school with her! She was the prettiest one in 5th and 6th grade until she transferred."

Tsukasa is a girl? No, that can't be right. Maybe I should talk to him about it, but it's probably personal.

I stayed in the area outside of school and waited for Tsukasa to get out of class. As usual, we would walk to the stage together.

"Hey, Rui!! Sorry to keep you waiting." The blond was running over to me and came to a sudden halt.

"It's no problem at all! While we walk, I'd like to talk to you about something." I took his hand and he eagerly complied.

"What's the matter? I'm open to any questions." He grinned.

I secretly felt bad for wanting to bring up him being transgender. If he was, I'd be possibly bringing up some past trauma for him. And if not, the situation would still be very awkward.

"Tsukasa." I stopped and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Are you transgender?"

The shorter boy sort of just stared at me and then continued walking as if I had never asked anything.

"Ehh... I-It's sort of a sore subject." He then stopped and looked me in the eyes. "It's about time I told you anyways. Yes, I am. But how did you find out..?"

"I may have eavesdropped over some girls gossiping about you and one talked about you being a girl in elementary."

He sighed and kept walking to the amusement park. "Yup sounds about right. I imagine I know exactly who it is. But, please, don't tell anyone. It was a secret for a reason."

I nodded and held his hand again. "I understand. Tsukasa please know that I'll always support you." I blushed slightly at my own words to him.

"Yeah! You're one of my biggest supporters and I appreciate you." He hummed and we walked in comfortable silence for the rest of the trip. The rest of the day continued as normal.

Everything was fine until a couple of days later and people all over the school were talking about it. As his best friend, a few students came and asked me about it. Of course, I wholeheartedly denied the suspicion to prevent any further word.

After school one day, Tsukasa came to my place without warning.

I was in my room sketching out costume ideas for our next show when my door burst open. Immediately alert, I spun around from my desk and saw him.

Tsukasa was in tears and he stomped toward me.

"Tsukasa! What happened?" I got up and hugged him.

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