A Date With a Star?

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TSUKASA SONG ARTIST AU BC I SAID SO!! I was gonna have it be rui but tsukasa is the star here obviously smh
This chapter will be fluff


Have you ever found an artist who's music just makes you feel so comfortable and safe when you listen to them? Well, this is what happened to me, but it went well in every way.

I stood at the front of the crowd, staring in awe as he sung powerfully. It seemed as if he was shining, his voice was so stunning, it was like a choir of angels every time he even spoke. He gripped the microphone with both hands, glancing down at the audience and interacting with them every once in a while.

He's such a personality... It would be really cool to talk to him one on one..

It was just as I thought this that he looked down at me, and gave a very cute smile which made my heart melt.

Did he just actually SMILE AT ME??. I blushed a little bit, and he waved. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!? I simply gave a weak, flushed smile since my brain short-circuited in that moment. After this strange encounter, he focused back to his song.

I thought about this for days, weeks, no, make that two months! Then, this leads to sometime when I was out on my way to a café, during winter. It was snowing outside, the cold, white snow burned my hands and feet. The freezing air chilled my face. I sped up my pacing a bit so I could get to the warm building as soon as I could.

My black jacket was good, but just thin enough for the bitter coldness to get to my skin.

When I took a turn to the block close to where the café was, a familiar face was waiting just outside. Is that.. Tenma Tsukasa? Like, THE Tenma Tsukasa??

I glanced down at him for a short moment, then kept walking. I didn't want to seem weird. However, me ignoring him didn't get me very far.

"Um, excuse me?" The very same boy spoke from just behind me. So, I stopped and turned around. Now it would just be plain rude if I ignored him.

He was definitely dressed for the weather. He had a puffy carmine red scarf wrapped around his face, covering his nose. He wore an almond brown cardigan over a light beige shirt and high waisted black pants. Is it wrong to say that he looks cute..?

"Y-Yeah, do you need something?"

"Well, I heard from a friend that a good café is around here, but I can't seem to find it. Do you know where it is?"

Hmm, so I suppose we're both going to the same place.

"Sure I do! It's in this back alley, actually. My friend works there and I was just going to stop by. Follow me." He walked just beside me as we made our way to the café. Neither of us said anything about the encounter during his performance, although he did confirm that he was THE Tsukasa Tenma.

My boots clicked on the concrete ground with each step I took, and I tried to focus on that rather than the fact that I was literally conversing with my biggest celebrity crush.

We both turned into that alleyway, which was lit with yellow fairy lights, and the wall was made of bricks. The door was glass with a black outline, with the sign saying "We're open!" On the front.

"It looks so cute here, but why is it so secretive?" He turned to me, looking confused.

"Well, it originally started off as just a place for me to hang out with my friends, Mizuki, Nene, and Ena, but over time more visitors came and word got out. However, I see it as a good thing. Everything here is homemade and people can admire their work."

I slowly opened the door, a bell dinging to signal the arrival of new customers.

"Welcome, what would- oh! Rui! It's been a while. And... who?" Mizuki asked, getting back to their spot behind the register.

"Fufu, you already know what I want. This is an acquaintance of mine, Tenma Tsukasa." The blond next to me smiled and nodded.

"Ah, you're that one guy! Y'know, Rui's a big fan. Don't let his calmness and charm get past you." They smirked, working on my drink.

Tsukasa blushed and smiled. "Well, I'm glad. Although I will say, you definitely kept your cool back there."

By now, I was completely embarrassed, looking down. "J-Just finish the drink. I'm going to sit down." I scolded myself in my head about my reaction. As I waited in the booth, Tsukasa told his own order.

I felt a dip in the seat right next to me just a few moments later. "Oh.. Tenma? What are you getting?" I looked over at him with curiosity. If we ever go out again, then I'll know what he likes.

"Hey, you can just call me Tsukasa, I really don't mind! And I just ordered a cinnamon latte with almond milk. One thing that I haven't told anyone is that I'm actually lactose." He confessed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Really? I never would've thought."

"Mhm! Your friend seems to have good humor, don't you think?"

"Heh, that's one of the main reasons we get along well~ it's easy to bond with people similar."

"You're so right! It's really hard for me to make friends with normal people after all the fame, and it's pretty upsetting. But, you seem to be way better than most people."

Wow.. that was really sincere. Now that I think about it, he's just a normal person.

"Tsukasa, honestly I thought you would be a lot worse at first. A lot of famous people are rude and snobby, but you're actually super nice." I admitted, chuckling nervously.

"Oh? Well, I'm glad that you don't think I'm rude like that. I really appreciate you for being this kind!" He bashfully looked at me, a light blush crossing over his face.

Then, a certain somebody interrupted our moment.

"Heya~ your drinks are finished!" Mizuki walked over carefully, holding a small platter which held our drinks. They set the drinks right in front of us.

I brought the hot mug up to my lips and took a sip. Man, the drinks here are always the best!

I heard Tsukasa let out a short noise of approval, which I giggled at.

"Mmm! This is really good." He smiled. "Oh, and thank you. Thanks for bringing me here and keeping my company." The look Tsukasa gave me was so genuine, I adored it for just a little moment.

"Of course, I'm glad I was able to help."

Does this count as a date?? Ugh, I need to stop being weird, really. Winter is now going to be my favorite season.


I want to come up with better ideas but writers block am I riighhtt??? Um anyways thanks a lot for actually reading this, by the morning I think I'll be at like 1k reads so I LOVE YOU ALL SM!!
I started this as a joke with my friend and it turned into a real thing, I really wasn't expecting much and here I am 😭
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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