The Magic of SEKAI

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I love Rinku and I bet that they'd be on board with the ships. Anyways, I'm just gonna refer to the the vocaloids as virtual singers idk why but I just am dw.
This episode will be fluff

Tsukasa POV

"Riiin~!!" I heard Miku call to her friend, who was chomping on some cotton candy with MEIKO and KAITO. Len and Luka was already here with me. I decided to come to the SEKAI by myself, it was 9P.M., and I figured that nobody else would be here, which I was right.

It was dark in the SEKAI, well, as dark as it could get with the glaring bright and colorful lights attached to nearly every surface. The street lights too, were an exaggerated highlighter yellow which burned my eyes when I looked.

MEIKO, KAITO, and Rin all came and gathered around me, barely giving me any space. "So, Tsukasa, what brings you here at this time?" MEIKO asked calmly.

"Yeah! We wanna know ☆!" Miku and Rin both excitedly cheered at the same time.

"Ack!! Okay, okay, just back up so I can breathe!!" I sighed and pushed the two girls back gently, taking a step back myself. Before I spoke, I took in a breath of the chilly air as a warmth crawled up on my cheeks and ears. "Well, I don't know what all you guys can help with, but I think I'm sparking feelings for Rui..." I felt my fists clench at my sides.

"AAAAA!! That's super cute! When are you gonna tell him!?" Rin squealed and nearly knocked me over from shock.

"I mea-" As I started, I was cut off by Len.

"Woah!? That's pretty surprising. You should tell him."

Miku moved in closer to me whilst nodding vigorously in agreement with her friends. Luka gave a giggle, it surprised me that she was even awake.

KAITO and MEIKO seemed to know what to do, as they were the most mature out of the group. "Now, now, give him some space." MEIKO told, making a hand motion to signal the others to come back.

"Hmm.. Romantic advice isn't what I've been expecting to give, but I suppose we'll be able to help you, Tsukasa. Just tell us how you've been feeling and we'll assist you how we can." KAITO gave a determined smile and put his hands on his hips.

So, I told them. I told them everything I thought.

I told them how stunning Rui looks when we go on dates and the sun perfectly hits his face and how much it compliments his soft smile and his cunning light yellow eyes.

I told them how much I sometimes yearn to have him hold me inside his scarred yet tender hands.

I told them how the way he teases me is annoying, but I've always secretly loved it, and how honest he always is with me.

I told them how cute he is in mornings, whenever I stay the night at his place, or he stays at mine, we wake up next to each other and seeing Rui's slightly messy hair, rested eyes, and tired voice..

Oh my GOD, have I always been THIS DOWN BAD!?!? I felt like my whole body was shrinking, just imagining if Rui heard what I was saying about him in this moment. What would he say?

Would he say, "Ew, Tsukasa, I didn't think that you be into.. boys, maybe you aren't the person I thought you were."

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