What if I Hated Myself?

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ART CREDS!!: https://x.com/kaorukox5?t=HPYUyO_-akXo4Ox3KJJ0YA&s=09
Wowee!! I sure do love writing and projecting onto these fictional characters!!
This episode will be angst and fluff

TW/CW(?): Sharing insecurities (nothing too excessive ^^)

Tsukasa POV

"Rui, do you hate me?"

The purple boy was hard at work on a machine as usual, while I sat on his bed (or couch, rather) in his garage. He was a few feet away from me, working while sitting on a small pillow. It was a round one that I had given him a week prior, so it satisfied me to know he used it.

His left hand firmly held onto a screwdriver while his right hand messed around with the machine. He lightly hit it a few times, but whe he heard me, he paused. Only his eyes moved to look at me at first.

He didn't look very shocked at my inquiry, just confused. "Huh? Why would I... hate you?"

"Um... I dunno. Sorry, it's a silly question." I sighed and looked away, analyzing his room. At the same time, just couldn't remove my attention from him.

My eyes wandered over to his wall where a cluttered mess of weird stuff like rings and origami figures layed. "Tsukasa, it's fine to feel that way, y'know. Like... uh, everyone hates you, or something." He moved his machine over and turned his body to face me.

I looked back at Rui, finding his response to be odd considering the kind of person he was. "What do you mean by that?" The boy who mindlessly flapped his hand looked at me guiltily.

"I-I used to think like that a lot. I'm sorry if it's not what you mean by that... I just thought that." He sighed and let his busy hand drop onto his knee.

"No, you're right..."

We sat in loud silence for about three minutes. I just kept staring down at Rui while his mind seemingly dozed off. He would stop to make a quiet 'pop!' noise with his lips, never enough to unsettle me, though.

I crossed my arms and awkwardly scratched the back of my neck. I didn't know what to say to him, because he mentioned how he felt as if it was a very normal thing for everyone. I was sure that it wasn't, but decided to not comment on it verbally.

I frowned and spoke up, hating the tension. "Can I ask how you felt? What about yourself did you hate most?"

"Uh, I think my personality. People always thought that I was weird because of how I acted. What about you?" The shy boy looked at me with a sad smile.

I looked away for a moment. I've never really thought about it... "I don't really know. Kind of everything, but I think I feel the same way about my personality. Sometimes I'm too annoying."

"I don't think you're annoying!"

"You don't?"

"No. Of course I don't. I really like you, Tsukasa." The purple boy's voice was sweet and sincere, strangely warming my heart and getting me excited.

My face was red and stupid as I gulped nervously. "Thank you, Rui. I like you too!" I spoke the last sentence with a fake confidence. Telling someone -let alone another man- that I liked them was far too romantic for me.

Expressing my love for others through words was a really hard task for me, since I just got clammy and anxious. With some people, however, I hardly had those problems. Rui was not in the group of said people.

The taller boy stood up and walked over to me, a goofy grin plastered across his mature face. He looked excited for some ungodly reason. "That's really sweet of you to say it back to me! Thank you, Tsukasa! You're really nice..."

He leaned over and hugged me, gently pushing me into my back and into his surprisingly comfortable couch cushions.

"H-Hey, what are you doing-!?" My face lit up and my eyes squeezed shut.

"Ah, I'm sorry! I should've asked... can I kiss you?" His eyes were concerned. It was as if he had just made the biggest error, but in my opinion, it wasn't bad. I still felt comforted knowing that he cared.

I wrapped my arms around his strong torso and nodded. In an instant, he lowered himself down to me and pressed our lips together. I let out what could be described as a moan the moment his sweet lips connected with mine, heating up the moment between us.

It was almost scary how well the purple boy kissed. He kept it short, which I boiled down to him just not wanting to overwhelm me. I felt so special in that short moment. I felt so loved.

How did we even get here? He was just talking to me about hating himself. I chuckled and pulled him a bit closer to me. This doesn't even matter at all, I just want to sleep with him.

"Rui, can we take a nap? I'm tired and wanna sleep with you..." I held back a yawn and looked him in his eyes.

"Yeah, I'd like that~! Fufu, I really am getting treated today!" He flopped down beside me and held me close, kissing my forehead.

As we cuddled up together, my heart thumped rapidly. It was surreal to have Rui holding me so close to him, and no matter how hard I tried, there was no escape.

I love you, Rui. Sorry that I'm too scared to say it out loud.

It would've been much more comforting if I knew that he was thinking the exact same thing.


I swear. Whatever possessed me as I wrote this, I love it. I really like platonic relationships with kisses and discussions of serious things while both parties love each other romantically

I always thought that it was easier to talk about issues to friends, so this is pretty much that. However, it wasn't stated, so if you prefer it being a romantic relationship, go ahead! I'm okay with it interpreted either way :))

I love writing and reading kisses but the cute and fluffy ones

Sorry for the weird rant 😭😭 Anyways ruikasa canon 💕
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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