Fair Skin

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ART CREDS!!: https://twitter.com/YamiK0I?t=hJ-DCuoXlttSH_5z7owEYQ&s=09
horny kasa with thigh fucking because why not (he/they prns for rui)

I did not proofread this so it might suck hot ass I just really wanted to get a part out for you
This episode will be smut

Tsukasa POV

For a few days, it'd been particularly hard to focus. I was unsure as to why this problem was occurring because everything was as normal as usual.

Saki was out of the hospital and doing well, I just met my family for my mother's birthday, and my friends were all healthy as usual.

The only big change, however, would be found in my partner. Perhaps he was being too distant, or overly occupied with work. As much as people tried to get Rui to find assistance for projects, the boy would always find an excuse to deny it.

Of course, I didn't want to blame my issues on my partner. Just because they were acting weird to the point that it was worrying...

I barged into the bathroom of our shared room to see none other than Rui, removing his makeup. Although I knew he would be in here doing this, I couldn't help but blush at his appearance.

Something about that silky fair skin, their soft pink lips, and the loving glance I received every time I entered the room.

Rui's eyes lit up and he waved at me. "What are you doing here? I told you I'd be right out." They had a suspicious look while staring at me.

Putting down a freshly stained face wipe, he fully rotated around in his chair to face me.

For some reason, my mind couldn't stray from the not kid-friendly ideals of my significant other. God... I could do anything to them right now. I blushed.

"Well, for a while now I've wanted to ask you about something." I stepped closer.

Rui gave an unimpressed look. "You know I'm going to see my mom, so make it quick."

Wait, what's the most important to me right now? I could talk about how distant he's been and make him mad, or we could have a quick session. I felt myself go mad and clenched my shirt.

A short thought crossed my mind about how utterly stupid I was being but at the same time, I felt like a genius. The answer was clear about what I wanted more.

We can have a serious conversation later. While Rui is looking as amazing as usual...

"Earth to Tsukasa~! Are you in there?" They waved a hand in front of my face and flicked my forehead.

"Uh- Sorry. I just wanted to ask if..." My voice failed me.

"No need. It seems your little man down there has done the asking for you." Despite the smooth tone in their voice, Rui wasn't all that confident. "Come on, darling. Let's make this fast!" He giggled and took my hand, bringing me out of the bathroom.

I yelped at the sudden action and followed just behind. Since our bed was conveniently close to our bathroom door, there was not much strain whatsoever. Rui voluntarily flopped onto the bed on his back, ruffling the plain white shirt he wore.

Before getting on the bed as well, I struggled to get my pants off. I figured that it would be a much harder time undressing while on the bed.

Once my lower half was completely unclothed, I leaned over to grab the oil, and then I pulled myself onto the bed. My blond hair was already sticking to my forehead, and I was subconsciously aware of this.

On the contrary, most of my focus belonged to the masterpiece that was right in front of me, as Rui was a true sight to behold. I gently caressed their stomach and leaned in to kiss them.

My hands explored his body, pinching his pink nipples with one and stuffing the other hand inside his pants. The heat of the kiss engulfed me and I bit his lip, allowing myself to let my tongue slip inside of his mouth.

Rui gave muffled groans and hearing the purple boy's sweet sounds only made me want to do even more.

I pulled back so we could catch air and make things clear. "Remember our safe word?" I asked, breathing deeply.

The other was also panting and gave a genuine nod. "But... wait," They started, lifting their bare legs. "We can't make a big mess, okay?"

My face was flushed when I thought back to our previous few nights when we tried experimenting with different ideas and ended up making a bed in dire need of a clean-up.

"Yeah, I get it." I smiled and pushed Rui's thighs together. I looked at my partner, who was staring intently down at his pale thighs. After taking the bottle into my hand again, I spilled the liquid contents onto my hands, rubbing it in well. I took a hand and stuck it between their legs, letting the wet substance spread on the inside of their thighs.

I gripped onto one and used my other hand to touch their pleading length. His yellow eyes glistened with lust, and I stuck my cock between his legs, softly pressing against his fair skin.

As much as I adored Rui's personality and behavior, I couldn't deny my love for his looks, specifically his thighs. Growing up exposed me to many different ideals, one of which was my preference for men.

Rui's thighs were unlike anything else. They were plush, and smooth, and felt incredible around my length. Before I started to please myself, I used my grip around their erect dick and quickly began moving it up and down, lathering the oil all over it.

The purple boy's head leaned back as he got comfortable and let his body rest. "Ah..~" A strong hand covered mine, holding onto me gently as I slowly started to move in and out.

Their thighs fully enveloped me, making it harder to pull out, but it felt amazing. He began to squeeze his thighs and I gave a breathy moan. I sped up my pace, desperate for a louder noise and more satisfaction. Both of my grips got stronger, and I began thrusting harder and faster causing loud, wet, slapping. "Hah, you're so warm~"

My pace around Rui's cock sped up as well, and I let my fingers spread out to cover more at a time. "Mm~ Tsu, it feels so good!" They exclaimed, tensing up again.

I smiled and lowered my head, kissing his soft leg. Comfortable vibrations traveled through his body as I thrusted into his thick thighs. He squeezed them together, giggling as he did so.

I blushed and let my thrusting come to a stop. Rui smirked ams wrapped his arms around me, bringing me closer to him. I dropped the purple boy's thighs and leaned down to kiss him.

Rui moved their right hand down to our cocks, gently rubbing them together. Both of us panted into the kiss and I felt myself itching to cum. Rui's lips were smooth and tasted great, getting me even more excited.

After just a couple minutes, I felt my climax arise. "Rui... A-Are you almost-"

"Y-Yeah. Let's make the most out of this-!" Rui held me closely and began to pump his hand up and down even quicker, stimulating me to the max.

Blushing immensely, I gripped onto the purple boy tightly as I came on his hand. Laughing, Rui did the same.

Rui gently pet my head then sat up, reaching over to grab their phone. "Hmm... I really have to go now, love."

With a pout on my lips, I held the taller boy close to me. "Do you have to? I'll be so lonely without you!"

"Eh-? Fufu, don't let our good time go to waste. I'll be back soon, okay? If you're really good while I'm out, we can go again tonight." He winked at me then stood up, looking down at his cum-stained hand.

"Really-!? Haha, in that case, I'll be waiting patently for your arrival~"



Idk what to put here I just am sorry for being so inconsistent 🙁🙁

No, I'm not gonna make a part 2 because I'm really lazy and I don't wanna write smut atm sorry
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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