Pain to Pleasure

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Get ready for some steamy action. (Before I'm actually writing this, I'm gonna challenge myself to write 2,500 words of smut)
This episode will be smut
Ft.: Bondage, pain, hair pulling, breath play, dry anal
CW: blood (not a lot), lots of foul language umm erm sorry


(If I get one more comment like "that was fast" I'm going to fucking set myself on fire please im purposely beginning with smut I KNOW)

"Mmph..." Tsukasa mumbled. He was sitting beautifully on my bed with his arms tied behind him with a strong rope. He had a blindfold over his eyes, and cloth stuffed in his mouth to prevent him from seeing or speaking.

Fully unclothed and already prepped, the sight made me want to fuck him endlessly... Or just go as long as we could. His cock ached and had pre-cum dripping down from the tip, he wiggled impatiently.

I sat on the edge of the bed, then climbed over to him, gently flipping him over onto his stomach, exposing his begging hole into the air. "Now, be a good boy for me, okay?" I let a hand caress his ass, harshly smacking it to hear a whimper from him.

I moved my length up to his entrance, staring in awe. The feeling was so good- having full access to his incredible body. I thought about how hard he would get it, and went wild at the thought of hearing his adorable muffled moans.

Moving both hands onto his hips, I tightly held him, teasing his warm hole with my tip, waiting to give him what he wanted. His back arched and he waved his thighs in a seductive manner. "Hmm, I've just thought up an even better idea!"

Releasing my hold on him, I flipped him over again and quickly removed his blindfolds and cloth. His arms stayed tied and I pushed him further into the bed, and then slowly crawled over him, resting my dick on his soft lips.

Almost immediately, he opened his mouth, nearly begging to have it in him. "Uh uh, patience. Keep your pretty mouth shut until I say otherwise." He obeyed, blushing and letting his lips touch each other again. "Good~" I chuckled and moved a hand down onto my cock.

His mouth quivered and I slowly began jerking my hand across my length, giving a few breathy moans. He whined and I could see the smallest bit of tongue peek from his lip.

"Ah, Tsukasa~ I can't wait to fill up your pretty little hole with my cum!" I moaned, watching as the blond's dejected face lit up. "Huh, I suppose I shouldn't get special treatment. Here, sweetheart."

I reached behind his head and took a handful of his soft, fluffy hair to yank it forward, bringing his head up. "How about you help me, hmm? You look so good right now, I can't resist~"

He nodded and struggled to raise his head up, but still didn't complain. The boy didn't have a hard time taking my dick into his wet mouth, and allowed his tongue to roll across my base.

He stuffed his mouth even more with it, taking me in quickly. "Hah~ So good..." I felt my hips buckle forward, slamming the remaining length into his mouth. I eyed him, waiting for him to keep up his part. His gaze looked concerned, and as his tongue moved further, he gagged.

"Don't ruin the fun, darling. Suck." I commanded him, holding his chin up strongly.

"Mmm..." He began to suck on the rest of it, engulfing me in his humid throat.

"Oh my..! S-So good!" I wrapped both hands into his delicate yellow hair, and began to thrust aggressively into his throat, and I felt more aroused as he choked and spat over my length. "Ah!"

I shut my eyes tightly and nearly forgot about the fact Tsukasa was here, as the pleasure was far too immense. The liquids that rubbed against my cock began feeling better and better, making me pray that I could cum into Tsukasa's sweet mouth.

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