Stargazing 🌠

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I love ruikasa 😈
This episode will be fluff


"Ooh! Nene and Tsukasa will be so excited when they see this area!!☆" Emu pranced around a shaded area on a private island we were spending some quality time on.

We'd all been in the burning heat for a long time, and finally Emu and I were able to find a comfortable and shady place.

"I'd have to agree. Since those two have been working very hard, would you be okay with helping me transfer camp?" I asked.

"Of course I would! This'll be REALLY fun to do with you!" She bounced up and began running to where Nene and Tsukasa began setting up camp.

Oya.. I hope they won't be too upset. They've been working all day just for their efforts to go to waste. I followed not very far behind Emu, approaching the setup quickly.

When we got there, Tsukasa was the first to say something. "Hey!!! Over here! We finally finished putting all of our things together, does it look nice?"

I nervously chuckled. "Well, we actually found a better place. It's shady too!"

Nene's small smile dropped immediately. "Are you f- nevermind. I'll let you guys do the work." She sighed and slumped off onto a tree.

Emu and I started the transfer whilst Tsukasa took a small break. "Alright, what can I help you with?" He proudly inquired.

"Hmm.. Oh, I know! Tsukasa, you can pick up the desks and bring them over!" The pink haired girl pointed to a large desk that rested on the ground.

Oh my! Tsu-Tsu is very strong. I admired Tsukasa's muscles as he held up the desk with his bare strength. He's so built..! I continued to stare at him while moving some more supplies over.

After the moving

I layed down on the soft, clean grass beside Tsukasa. It was already night and we stargazed contently. "Oh look! It's a star." He pointed up into the night.

"Hm? Hehe, aren't they all stars?"

"Well obviously! I mean those stars," He dragged his finger along in the air, "they shape out a star." And he was right. The stars did in fact outline a star.

"Aww, so it's you~" I found one of Tsukasa's hands and interlocked our fingers together.

"Even the galaxy knows it's fate."

I switched my gaze over to Tsukasa, watching as his firey eyes peered into the deep sky with wonder. The smaller had always taken an interest in astronomy and things beyond Earth more than anyone I'd ever met.

His warm hand wrapped in mine made me feel a small warmth burning inside my heart. "Hey Tsukasa?"

"Yeah, what's up?" He smiled attentively in my direction.

"I uh.. really like you. For a couple months now I've realized how much I want to be with you. D-Do you um.." I began to stutter over my words. "Like me back?" My voiced faltered slowly.

"Oh, Rui..! Of course I like you back. There hasn't been a day ever that I haven't wanted to be with you." The usually louder boy had quited his voice, feeding into the sentimental mood.

To look at him better, I turned over and layed on my side. Noticing me, Tsukasa did the same. "In that case, are you okay with being in a relationship with me?" After I spoke, the blond's eyes lit up happily.

"Yeah! I'd really like that!" He beamed. "Can we kiss..?"

I nodded and blushed. Feeling his warm hand on my cheek was reassuring to me when he brought our lips together. I felt my heart skip a beat, and we matched mouth movements gently.

It was a small kiss, but enough to satisfy us both.

I never thought that I'd be really kissing Tsukasa.. Tsukasa Tenma is the one I'm in a relationship now!

We both sat up and scooted closer to each other. With one hungry glance, we both jumped right back into the kiss, letting the hot atmosphere take us. The small kiss melded into a makeout session, and I kept Tsukasa pinned to the ground. Every few moments we'd pull away, taking in heavy raspy breaths.

A loud shuffling interrupted us, followed by fast pace footsteps. "Rui, Tsukasa!! Where are you?" A high pitch yell came from a few feet away, just behind some bushes. Tsukasa and I pulled out of the kiss and stood up.

"Emu? We're.. here." I didn't really want to get up, I'd prefer hiding from her and continuing with Tsukasa, but that wasn't right.

Hearing my voice Emu and Nene emerged from the darkness. "Hey, we need a little help from the two of you with cooking. Didn't mean to interfere with your makeout session." Nene calmly explained.

The shorter's face flushed to a bright red, being complimented by the shine of the moonlight.

"H-HUH!? WE WEREN'T MAKING OUT!" As always he immediately defended us.

Nene shrugged and smirked mysteriously.

"Fufu! We can't keep secrets from her, can we?"


Yippee!! I actually didn't know how to progress at first, but after I time skipped I got the hang of it! At first I was going to title it, "Private Island!" But this is def more revolved around the stargazing.

I REALLY want to try posting earlier, so give me your opinions on a different schedule please 😍

Next chapter is angst, I'm working on it early (it's being worked on five days in advance)
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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