The Perfect Evening

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I'm not adding a description so you have to guess // aged up a few years idk
This episode will be fluff
(Implied smut)

Tsukasa POV

I walked back and forth inside my living room, hardly being able to think because of all of the butterflies in my stomach. My sisters alongside Touya were trying to calm me down, but this was a serious matter!

I huffed. Knowing that Rui would be back soon scared me because I wasn't ready. I wanted to say that I was excited, but I was more nervous than anything. What if he wasn't ready? Well, I'd be shit out of luck!

"Tsukasa, if it's getting on your nerves this much, you should maybe delay it?" Touya suggested.

"No, I can't. It HAS to be today, just because I'm scared doesn't mean... Oh! He's here."

I heard the familiar jiggling of the doorknob, and my heart sank almost immediately. I wasn't one to step down, so I didn't. As Rui walked closer to me and greeted me, I smiled. "Good evening, Tsukasa." He leaned down and kissed me.

Having him around was both scary and comforting. I wrapped my arms around him and brought him in for a hug, stuffing my face in his chest. "Um... I want to take you somewhere tonight. Can I do that?" I avoided all eye contact.

His firm hands held onto my back, calming me as I took deep breaths. "You sound so worried, dear... Did something happen?" He pulled back to look me in the eyes. I frowned and my gaze wavered once again.

"Eh... It's something for later, don't worry. F-For now, let's have some fun! I have a whole night planned for us." I exclaimed, holding his hands.

Rui smiled back and gently rubbed my hands, and I began to feel much safer. "Well, I'm looking forward to what you have planned, darling. Shall we go now, or wait?" He asked.

I stopped to think for a moment. I didn't want it to be too early, but I couldn't let Rui get tired by the time it happened. Hmm... That's right! I'll take him out for something, maybe a late dinner?

I felt confident and kissed his cheek. "Haha! I want to take you out on a date, so let's head out now." Rui nodded and delicately lead me out front, holding me close to him.

I felt a bit bad, since he had just gotten home from work and was already leaving again, but he didn't seem upset. In fact, he didn't seem to mind at all. So, I did everything I could to make this the perfect evening. While we walked to his car, my stomach twisted and stretched as butterflies continued to flutter around inside of me.

After all, spending so much time with someone I loved pressured me to be perfect! I wouldn't want to drown the good mood by accidentally saying or doing something wrong.

For about two hours, I took him through the city. We were visiting flower shops, eating, getting drinks, and just having a great time. The sun was already down, but we didn't want the fun to end. I held his hand while we walked through a small shopping center.

The sound of light breezes and crickets steadily rang in my ears, but their noise wasn't as comforting as I hoped. My heart was pounding, but I leaned my head onto his shoulder. "This has been nice, Kasa~! I'm so full from that..." He gave an exaggerated sigh and placed a hand on his stomach.

"Yeah, I'm glad we came! That salmon was amazing." I responded.

"So, we go home now?" He asked, looking down at me.

I perked up and quickly denied his inquiry. "N-No! There's one more place I want to show you, it's in walking distance."

Rui squeezed my hand. "Alright, dear. Lead the way for me."

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