The Sweetest Ever

834 14 26

Tsukasa is sweet!
This episode will be fluff


Tap tap tap tap tap...

My left hand rested on my coffee table while my other held up my phone to my face. I tapped on the table with my left hand, keeping that side of my brain occupied before I started dying of boredom.

After scrolling through my past messages with Nene, I was wondering about something I could do, then remembered what I discussed with my friend the other day. Nene informed me about a bakery that wasn't far down the street and highly suggested that I went.

"The employees there own the place, I guess it's a family business." She had told me.

A family business... Sounds cute. I'm glad that Nene remembered my sweet tooth, so hopefully I'll find something satisfactory when I get there!

I thought I might drool just by thinking about what they might have. Maybe some delicious peach buns, or strawberry jelly-filled croissants! Oh my... I felt a mild pain in my finger.

Quickly, I picked up my left hand, shaking it a bit. It had gotten stiff from sitting in place, even though my fingers were tapping. I looked up at my messy apartment living room, feeling a little bit sad that I'd have to leave my cozy home.

Despite the unappealing appearance, it had a pleasant aroma and I always made sure to tidy up for visitors. Cleaning wasn't very fun, and I had the attention span of a pigeon, so I would not be getting a lot done. Recently I tried to clean up but eventually got distracted by an old notebook and started to read it.

I rubbed the back of my neck and stretched out my legs, sighing with relief as they popped. Standing up, I felt lightheaded and dizzy. I closed my eyes for a moment before deciding to go out. The sky was a brilliant blue and the bright sun burned my eyes, forcing me to get accustomed to it.

"Ah... This isn't ideal. I can only hope that it will be dimmer in the bakery." I pulled my phone out of my pocket and searched for directions as I walked to my car.

At the bakery...

Outside of the building, it was adorable with a bunch of cute stickers and posters on the windows, as if teenagers had decorated it. I longed to get inside a -hopefully- air-conditioned room, as the sun's heat was starting to get to me.

The door was made of glass and had a sign that read "Open!" With cute hearts and stars drawn onto it. I couldn't help but giggle. The owners must be charismatic people, huh? I smiled and pushed it open.

The inside immediately greeted me with a mouth-watering scent and cool air. The smell was incredible and strong as if a freshly baked batch of cookies had just been taken out of the oven. There were cute paintings and photos of the employees and sweets.

Some customers were sitting at booths and minding their own business, while others chatted with each other and the people behind the counter.

Speaking of, there were three workers in sight. One of which was a short blonde girl wearing pigtails and cute bows on each in a white uniform with pink accents. One was tall with short blue hair, but he seemed to be more occupied with a book than the people around him. The last was a short blond boy with a cute low ponytail with star hair clips.

They're so cute! This is making me wish that I had siblings. It was obvious that the two blonds were siblings, but it was hard to tell about the other. I thought he might be a friend or one of their boyfriends.

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