Second Chances pt.2

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Just finished my carrd, might put it here lmk if yall are interested.
This episode will be fluff

Tsukasa POV

I was just about to head out the door, completely excited for my picnic date with Rui! My sister was probably tired of me gushing over it, but I just couldn't help it. After three tiring months, he is admitted his feelings back to me.

"Mom, Dad, I'm going now! I'll be back in a few hours, probably." I announced, pushing the front door open and breathing in the slightly chilly yet floral and satisfying. I wore a beige hoodie again, with cream white cotton on the inside to keep me warm.

Raising my wrist up to my face, the clock showed 2:54, just about 30 minutes before our date. We decided on it being just casual instead of a fancy dinner date for starters.

I decided to text Rui before I went.

Tsukasa 🌟
I'm on my way, Rui! I'll get there early, okay?

Rui 🎈
Alrighty then. I'll be there soon

I smiled and made my way to the picnic spot.

I made it to the spot 10 minutes early, and picked up out pre-ordered food so we could both actually eat when we got there.

"Tsukasa! Wait for me!" I heard Rui's voice and the sound of running from behind me. I whipped around and saw none other than him, catching up to me.

"You're here early. I'm glad to see you again!" I stepped forward and looked up at him.

He smiled and chuckled slightly. "You made it here before I did, you know. And I'm glad to hear how much you've been missing me~" He cooed and winked playfully towards me, wanting a reaction.

"Hey..!! What's all of that cheesy winking for!?" My face heated up. Even though I'd never admit it to his face, that wink was really adorable, and I'd love to see him do it all the time.

"Fufu, don't mind it! Come on, let's get to our table, darling." He leaned down and kissed my cheek suddenly. This made my mind fry immediately.

Darling!? Did he really just call me that? And he kissed me. This is a win for me! I freaked out silently while Rui walked past me to reach our table. My brain was too broken to notice anything else that he was doing.

I ran up to him and made my seat next to him. We found a nice, quiet, and reserved area with much greenery surrounding us.

We separated our foods and starting eating our own meals, conversing about our group, family, school, and just our daily lives. Just after a while of talking we finished our food. It was around then that the taller said something different than what we were discussing.

"Oh, Tsukasa, I brought you something." Rui suddenly spoke, reaching down under our table with his long arms. A corduroy bag was underneath and he sat it on his lap.

He handed me a bouquet of light dainty and graceful red roses with a few white lilies. "Rui, these are..." I reached out and felt the silky petals with one hand. With my other hand, I brought the whole bouquet closer to me. He remembered my favorite flowers.

"Since you decided to accept my late confession, treat me to this date, and just be an overall incredible person to be with, I want to do something nice for you, too. Later tonight, I want to show you something." He glimpsed at me, shining a hopeful expression in his eyes.

"Thank you, Rui! You're just so sweet all of the time. I'd love to go with you somewhere tonight, I'll just message my parents before we go, is that okay?" I scooted closer to him and clung onto him, hugging Rui securely as if I was going to lose him at any unsuspecting moment.

"Okay, okay, you're welcome! You don't have to rush it or anything.." He gave a nervous chuckle.

"Sorry, I'm just very delighted to be able to go out with you like this! I really like you." Saying that last part sent a rush of embarrassment through me.

Did I really just say that? That's super weird! He's probably thinking about how awkward I am, or how he probably wants to go home right now. I sighed and pulled back, giving him his space.

"Tsukasa, what's the matter? Don't shy away, now. You know that I like you too, so feel comfort around me." He caressed my cheek with his hand, rubbing his thumb over it.

Rui just looked so stunning in any lighting, it was like everything around him just became a paid actor to make him look amazing all of the time. That smile is so disgustingly perfect, I'll never get enough of it! Looking at his lips, I noticed how pink and smooth they were.

"Uh, Rui, can we um.. kiss?" I anxiously looked around, earning a slight gasp from Rui.

"Yes, and thank you for asking first." He wore an appreciated look on his face before leaning down and kissing me lovingly for the second time on the same day.

After view

At the end of the date, Rui took me shopping, then took me to a hill with healthy natural life, and the best sights I'd ever seen. The sunset from there shone pink, orange, and purple, painting the sky a beautiful color as if it were God's canvas.

Rui always knows what to do. He's always known, ever since the moment we met.


In order to push out these updates, I'll probably start shortening them from 1k+ to somewhere around 650 - 900. It's not even much of a difference for you guys, but it'll be much easier for me to keep up.
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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