◇ My Devil ◇

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ART CREDS!!: https://twitter.com/Pastel_Rabbit_?s=20&t=xrpHMezP4nB4jIyy84WxLQ
No he's not a biblically accurate angel ok
This episode will be fluff

Tsukasa POV

As an angel, it was my duty to protect a selected human for the entirety of their lives. My biggest rival is the devil that has been assigned to the same human, and their job is the opposite of my own.

This time, I'd been assigned to a girl named Shizuku Hinomori, and my counter was Kamishiro Rui.

Things were going smooth for the first few months. Rui seemed to be mostly slacking off and trying to start small talk, however.

"Aww, look at her, Tsukasa! Don't you think it'd be amazing if I had her embarrass herself in front of Momoi?" The taller suggested.

"Are you serious right now? There's no reason for you to do that." I crossed my arms and avoided eye contact.

"Ugh, you're so boring. All of the other angels I've been with haven't been as dry as you."

I twitched my wings and side eyed him. "I'm just doing my job. You can't seem to do that, though."

"It's really hard for me to do that!" He snuck up and hugged me from behind, leaning down and whispered in my ear. "Especially with such a cutie around~"

I felt my face flush slightly, but I couldn't let him swoon me so easily.

"This is strictly forbidden." I didn't remove his grip, but I did turn my head to face him.

"Come onnn! I've flirted with plenty of angels before you."

So there were others. I don't understand why he won't just leave me alone. However, the attention isn't bad.. I seriously considered giving in.

"..What do you want from me?" I sighed.

Rui's eyes lit up with anticipation and mischief. "I'll let you tell me what's beyond your boundaries, but I'd like at least a kiss!"

What does he want!? This man seriously doesn't realize that our careers, no, our LIVES are on the line.

"What's the problem with devils and having no respect for themselves whatsoever?" I muttered to myself.

Instead of giving him what he wanted, I simply gave him a tiny peck on the cheek.

"Really? That's all?"

"Anything past that is beyond my boundaries." I plainly stated.

"!" His eyes widened, and for a moment I might've caught a hint of guilt in that expression.

The persistent man gradually gave up on bothering me, and we continued going with our day. By the end of the day, Shizuku had a minor amount of inconveniences and made it to sleep safely once more.

2:13 A.M., Hinomori household

While the family slept, I decided to give Rui a shot. Instead of being dry and ignoring him as usual, I wanted to talk to him and see what he was like.

After learning more, I came to the conclusion that he was a good person, but as being a devil his morals and actions were slightly off.

"I apologize for not trying to get to know you sooner. I shouldn't have judged you." I scratched the back of my neck.

"Nah, it's fine! Most of the time I just assume that all angels are goody two-shoes anyways." He giggled and flicked his tail.

"But you did still give me a chance. So, let me take up on that favor." I moved closer to him.

He raised a brow, staring at me with a hint of confusion. As I stood directly in front of him, I stepped up on the tips of my toes. Rui blushed due to my closeness. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pulled him down for a kiss.

"Tsukasa..." He looked like he just saw Heaven for the first time in forever. "I finally cracked you!" He laughed and hugged me tightly.

"Mmph- G-Get off of me! That was a one time thing..!!" I stuttered.

"Fufu, I couldn't be happier now. What's the next step after kissing?" He teased.



I lost this idea ngl
Sorry this is really short 😭 i have another fluff and two angst prepared for the next three updates!
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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