A Wardrobe Mistake!

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ART CREDS!!: https://x.com/Rot__30?t=XcX_i1vPqQKpT1sRD0XJmw&s=09

I've seen this idea floating around Twitter and i thought umm.. Why not write it cause it's really cute 😭😭

This episode will be fluff and light angst

Tsukasa POV

It was no secret to the students attending Kamiyama High that Rui and I were together. Our relationship was obvious, and people loved and hated us both for it. Everyone had their reasons.

Some students didn't like gays, some didn't like us, but most who interacted with us were supportive. I didn't really care about others' opinions. Rui and I were happy together, and that was all I needed.

He would stay at my place almost every weekend, and even during weekdays. Sleepovers with my boyfriend were the best! We would get up to stupid stuff and have the most fun ever- all while being lovey-dovey.

We would kiss and hug and cuddle and... More. It was impressive how many times I'd find articles of clothing on my ground that didn't belong to me.

One sniff, and I knew that it belonged to Rui.

He had a very nice scent. Rui's lavender and honey aroma made our intimacy that much better, as it pleasantly captivated me. Sometimes he'd wear a different cologne or perfume, and instantly know it was different.

I wouldn't lie; on lazy mornings, I'd slip on one of Rui's shirts. They were comfortable and the smell made me feel safe. On many occasions, my family would ask,

"Where'd you get that shirt?"

Or, "Are you wearing a new cologne?"

Only ever my family, though. I would never be as clumsy as to wear my partner's clothes to school.

That's what I thought, at least.




"Good morning!" I called to the students in my class. A few would smile and wave back, and a few would just stare as usual.

I had been in a particularly good mood that day, though I was unsure why. All I knew was that I wanted to find Rui and tell him how happy I was to see him. He wasn't in our classroom already, so I waited.

I moved my bag to his desk and sat in his seat until he arrived. It was our norm, and a way for us to not miss the other when looking.

I still couldn't help but notice that I got more odd stares than usual. I was definitely starting to feel a little self-conscious, which was different for me. Nothing but confusion clouded my mind.

Why are they staring at me weird? This isn't new, but... More people than usual. Is there something on my face? Is there something in my hair?

"Hey, Tenma! Got the wrong class?" A student laughed to themself.

"Hm..?" I glanced at them, visibly confused.

They looked away from me while laughing quietly. The remark had sparked even more laughter in another corner of the room.

I frowned and pursed my lips. The negative attention drawn to myself was really worrying me. I don't like this.

Face hot with embarrassment, I stood up and marched out of the classroom. Honestly, I wanted to go back home. I can't believe I was just in a good mood. What did I do so wrong to get humiliated like this..? My eyes watered as I sped down the hallways.

I was not going to cry. I'd rather jump off of a 12,000 foot high cliff than cry around my peers. I was not a baby, and there was no excuse for me to act like one.

"Tsukasa..?" I heard Rui sweetly say my name, though his voice was laced with concern.

Much to my delight, my lover stood waiting for me at the school entrance. There weren't many people around us, and nobody paid attention to us.

I gulped and ran to him for comfort. "Ts-Tsukasa! What happened?" He held onto me kindly.

"I don't even know! I kept getting weird stares, and people were taunting me... Is there something wrong with me? I-Is there something on my face?!"

I stepped back and stared at Rui, begging him for answers. He perked up as I raised my tone. It wasn't often that I yelled around him, or at least a yell from genuine anger.

"Well, a good place to start would be... Um..."

That's when Rui gave me the dreaded face. Confusion, disgust, whatever it was, I didn't like it. However, a little blush crept up his pale cheeks.


"The only thing off is that you're wearing my uniform. F-From last year... Where did you get that?"


I looked down hesitantly at my chest and stared speechlessly at myself. He was right. I was indeed wearing Rui's  school cardigan from the year prior, and truly had no idea how I got it. Why was it in my wardrobe? How did I accidentally pick it out instead of my normal one?

I was pretty much satisfied, but that only lasted for a moment. I was glad to finally know why I was being stared at, but in an instant, tears welled out of my eyes.

My partner's startled sounds hit my ears again.

"Listen, Tsukasa. It's okay! We all make mistakes, and this is a minor setback."

"Minor? I'm such an idiot! How could I even let this happen in the first place?!" I gripped my hair, feeling overwhelmed.

My lover's delicate touch brought me in once more, I definitely liked the touch. "We still have time to get you back home. You can change, and it'll be like nothing happened."

"Well, if you're gonna be at home with me, I wont feel like leaving again." I muttered, my face stuffed in his chest.

The taller boy laughed and gently ran his fingers through my hair. "That's fine. Fufu... I wouldn't mind staying home with you~"

I sniffled my sadness away and chuckled at the purple boy's words. Despite my misfortune, I was happy. He hardly said anything, yet I'm laughing again.

"I'm sorry for making this a big deal. We can go now..."

Rui, you really are something. Thank you for always trying your hardest to help me.


How i feel after turning a completely innocent plot idea into crying, overreacting tsukasa because hes so me

They kiss and cuddle and watch stupidass romantic movies together when they go to tsukasas home (they skip school)
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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