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(It's a pin, but the post leads to their twt as well ^^)

Here's your long awaited smut, blame V0miit_pr0ducti0ns for the idea /j
This episode will be smut

Tsukasa POV

I rested my head on Rui's chest, smiling at his warmth. He held me close as he read a book out loud for me. I was incredibly tired, so I shut my eyes and hummed softly at his touch.

Rui held the book with one and ran his fingers through my hair, only moving it to flip the pages. His voice was soft and calming, causing me to almost fall asleep. I wrapped my arms around his body, pressing my face even further into his chest.

As I did so, I received a small whimper from him. My eyes fluttered open and I stared at his face, it was red and it seemed as if he was trying to hide his expression. Rui had been quiet for a moment, as if there were a million thoughts buzzing through his busy head. "Rui..." I grunted, looking up at him.

"Um... Yeah? What's the matter, Tsukasa?" He set down the book and caressed my face. I leaned into his touch, finding it comforting.

"You stopped reading. You've been staring at the book completely silent."

"..." Realization sparked in his eyes. He blushed even more, looking embarrassed. "Ah, sorry about that. My mind has been a bit occupied recently." He sat up, pulling me closer.

I looked at Rui, getting concerned for him. What might be wrong..? I wonder if I did something to upset him. Feeling guilty, I leaned in and gave him a hug. The purple boy accepted it, nuzzling up with me.

"When I'm feeling down, I like to do something to make me feel calm. Have anything in mind?" I rubbed his shoulders, keeping my voice low for him.

The taller boy shrugged. "Eh... It's been a while since we last showered together. Really, doing anything with you would be nice."

I felt special knowing that Rui wanted to do something with me. My mind flooded with different things we could do, so I quickly hopped off the bed. "Well, how about we start with a good shower? After that, we can figure out what to do." I stood on the soft ground, waiting for Rui to follow.

He did so shortly, taking my hand in his. I grinned, pushing my side up against his to feel more of his warmth. The air was slightly cold, but felt great on my skin as I began to undress.

The weather had been horrible, we were stuck under the hot sun for months, so having air conditioning was a blessing. I'm glad to do this with him again. Showers were always so relieving, especially when Rui joins in. After turning on the water, I waited for it to heat up a bit.

Rui hugged me from behind, slightly catching me off guard, but didn't make me uncomfortable. His touch was nice and relaxing as we stepped into the shower, adding to the warmth.

"...It's already nice." He pressed up to me and closed his eyes.

I leaned into him, getting hot and excited at his touch. Rui's voice was low, too, making it sound more seductive. My excitement traveled its way down to my crotch. "Y-Yeah... it's nice, that's for sure." I blushed, looking down at my erection.

Rui's hands were dangerously close to it, resting on my waist. As his hands crawled down my skin, they touched my inner thigh. His slim fingers danced just beside it, making me shiver and lean into his touch even more.

At that moment, I was sure that he knew exactly what he was doing to me, as his movements became more deliberate. His breath was warm as it blew onto my neck, causing me to whimper.

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