And They Were Roomates

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I did say double upload 😈
This episode will be fluff
CW: Suggestive jokes

Tsukasa POV

At 2:16 A.M., I woke up from the sounds of heavy thumping and clattering of metal. It must be him again.. For the past couple of weeks, my roommate, Rui, had been disrupting my sleep with unruly behavior.

I sat up immediately and my eyes gradually adjusted to the deep darkness. Is he nocturnal or something? I frowned and moved out of our shared room and into the living room where he worked.

The boy was so focused on whatever invention he was making that he did not realize I was looming over him angrily.

"How many times have I asked you to not do this here!?" I demanded.

"Wha- Oh, it's just you. Sorry, but I told you I didn't have a different place to work at." He shrugged.

"Speaking of work, I have work in four hours AND NEED SLEEP!!"

"..." Rui stared at me for a moment, then gave a sinister grin. "You're just mad that I didn't touch you yesterday, huh?"

"!?" I blushed and felt my eyes widen.

Yesterday I tripped over my words and accidentally said, "Touch me" instead of "DON'T touch me" and he's still teasing me about it. I let out a defeated sigh. There was no point in arguing with him, so I simply turned around and went back to our room.

That was until he stopped me.

"Wait." He was close behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. "I'm gonna come to bed, too. We should cuddle!" He dragged me onto the bed.

Rui also had made it a habit of cuddling me whenever I fell asleep, which I soon caught on to. "You would do it anyways, so fine." I smiled contently.

I never disliked his cuddles, in fact they were really calming and comfortable.

As I layed on my side, I let him spoon me from behind. His long arms wrapped tightly around my chest and stomach, and he placed a leg on top of my own.

He pulled me close, eliminating all space between us. I relished the warmth and safety that Rui promised me just by a small action such as this.

"Good night, Tsukasa. I'll try to keep it down from now on." His voice was quiet and modulated.

"Hmph, you better.. Uh- goodnight!" I shut my eyes and relaxed in his grip. As a heavy sleeper, going to bed was not an issue.

Afternoon the next day

I came home for lunch break because sitting in an office building all day wasn't a preference. I had just got out of high-school, and I decided to focus on maintaining my financial life before starting school again.

Rui, however, was born into wealth. His family was pretty rich, but for some reason he didn't want to live that lifestyle. I appreciated that because everyday I could come home and see him at lunch.

"Rui, I'm back!" I announced, stepping into our warm home.

"Welcome back. I made something for you earlier!" He was studying something on the laptop it seemed, and quickly jumped off the couch to retrieve the item he made me.

Would he care if I snooped? I cautiously made my way to his laptop and peeked.

Some tabs were, "How to know if someone likes you", "Where to test explosives", and, "yandere sim download". However, the tab that he had open was just a Google doc of notes that were based off his experiment results and other sciencey things.

"Here, I thought of you this morning. All of my creations are based off things." He approached me with a spherical object, which had plastic pyramids covering its sides to represent the shape of a star.

"That's cool, but what does it do?" He handed it to me, and it was fun to play with.

"See the tiny switch at the bottom? Flip it and find out what happens!" Rui expectantly stated at me.

There's a bottom? Rotating the shape helped me realize that there in fact was a bottom, and flipping the switch turned it on. It was a light, and it was penetrating my eyes. As I got used to it, I was able to admire it fully. The brightness almost had me in a trance.

"Oh, wow..." I stared at it in awe. "Hey, this thing is really cool!" Despite it being hard, I squished it and it almost felt soft.

"I'm glad you like it, then! I've learned that you are afraid of the dark, am I correct?"

How did he..? "W-What? No way! I'm not afraid of that dark, that's childish!" I denied his idea.

I crossed my arms and side eyed him. "It's alright. We all have our fears."


I learned that having someone like Rui (there isn't anyone quite like him though) as your roommate can get annoying, but I'd still pick him over anyone else. He's able to bring a smile to my face, and what he does to me is incredible.


Arf arf idk what to put here ngl.. I exposed a friends wattpad account and I'm feeling great 🤭🤭 (she doesn't have mine)

Also bro my other friend has been BEGGING for me to give them my wattpad.. not tryna give myself away like that man 😒
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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