The Fantasy Tower

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I just got this idea as a joke and decided to write it 😭
In case you aren't sure, this chapter is based off of that disney movie tangled and if you haven't seen it it's basically a girl who is trapped in the tall ass tower with an evil mom and a guy comes and brings her out of the tower for the first time in 16 about years YOU GET IT

This chapter will be fluff


For the past couple weeks, I had been on a run from the royal family. As a fugitive, I had to stay clear of any nobles who might be around. Because of this, I left the kingdom to search for a safe place, and that is when I found what seened to be a suspicious clearing behind a thick wall of bushes and vines.

This place is really well hidden. I never would've noticed it if I didn't stop to rest here. I mused to myself.

Getting up, I used my strength to push past the thicket of vegetation. It was hard, especially with all of the heavy clothes I was wearing and the tools in my satchel. The wall felt very long, but I did make it through. On the other side, there was a large, no, HUGE opening with so much free space. It was still outside, there was perfectly green grass covering the whole area, and a fast flowing waterfall in the back and the sun shone down, lighting up the opening. And there were rocks outlining the whole space.

In the middle, however, there was a huge tower. I started running towards it.

Even though I have no clue what's inside of it, but there's definitely gonna be something useful. I need to find some sort of shelter, so it'll be nice whether it's safe or not.

I quickened my pace and made sure to check before each step. If I ran into any traps on the way, it's be a worse situation. The soft grass slightly dipped under my feet as I took each step. Someone must be maintaining some of this grass, because there's no way it can be this healthy naturally.

I reached the tower, and rubbed a hand across it. Undoubtedly, my glove was still on. The wall was made out of stone, and was very strong. I reached into my bag and grabbed a pair of climbing tools.

This tower seems to be about 70 feet tall. Might as well get to climbing, I suppose.

Skip to the top of the tower

I finally made it to the top of the tower, and at some sort of ledge, a window ledge, made out of wood. I let out an exhausted sigh and dropped onto the floor of the tower. It looked mostly empty, and it was silent except for the creaking of the wood underneath me. The whole tower seemed impressively clean.

This seems like a nice place to stay for a while-

"HHAAA!!" I rapidly turned around, seeing a shadow lunge at me and hit me with a brisk hit. I felt my body fall to the ground, and I soon dazed out of consciousness.

Waking up, I felt myself tied to a chair. Huh..? I remember being hit... am I still in this tower? I frantically glanced around.

"Mmph!" I tried to speak, but my mouth was covered by.. tape? Rope? No, hair. A short boy stood in front of me, with impossibly long light-toned to deep red hair. It was wrapped around my mouth to keep me quiet, and it was the same thing that had me tied to the chair.

"Who are you? Tell me, why are you here!?" The blond demanded, looking worried yet fierce at the same time.

After he said this, I felt the hair around my mouth loosen. "I- pff-" I spat some hair out of my mouth. "I came here looking for shelter. I didn't know that anyone lived here."

"Huh." He only replied with a grunt and walked around me in circles, observing me. He wore a white shirt, with baggy black pants. He had fair skin, as if he didn't see the outside world very often.

"Will you let me go, please? I'll leave-" Before I got to finish, he put a pan up to my face. A pan? Really? He was able to knock me out because of a pan.

"Fine. I will let you free if you promise to show me the whole of the outside world."

"Excuse me?" I didn't break eye contact with him once.

He puffed up his chest and cheeks and repeated himself. "If you promise to show me the outside world, I will let you go!" He's serious about this.

Sighing, I responded. "Okay, but just know that there isn't that much to see. You'll just be disappointed."

"I don't care!" His response was immediate. "Sorry for the outburst. I just haven't been out of this castle since I was a toddler. I'm eighteen, now. I want to see the world, you know."

"Oh... I understand how you must feel then. I'll take you to some places I know, and then you'll leave me alone, right? Also, your name? I'm Rui, Kamishiro Rui."

"Yeah, I'm Tsukasa." The shorter smiled at me.

"And your family name is..?"

"Hm? Oh, uh, I don't know.. what it is. My mother never told me, and I've never needed to know what it is. Just call me Tsukasa, please." The grip he had on me loosened, and he pulled back his hair.

"Oh wow, your hair is so stunning. H-How did it grow this long?"

The blond pulled back (most of) his hair, and put his hands on his hips proudly. "Well, it takes much care and patience, as well as years to let it grow. Oh! Gosh, it's already sunset. We need to go now if we're going to. My mother will be back in a few days."

I nodded and got my stuff together. This will be a long trip, especially with this boy nagging me like this. It'll be good for me to do something nice for someone else, though. I felt a bit better, now. I'll have to show him places away from the kingdom. I can't have a scuffle with any nobles when I'm supposed to be showing him the good parts.

"Oh, speaking of, there's going to be a light ceremony soon. I'm sure it'll pique your interest just fine."

to be continued

Hi hi! I felt nice and gave you all a double upload considering I didn't post for two days in a row.
I had today off, so that means extra time to write, of course.

The next upload will probably be a shorter chapter, a part two to this one.
Tysm for reading 💖

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