You're the One Who Cared

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Okay SO I made a section in my notes app just for me to write ideas so be prepared for actual thought out stories. Btw I rarely proofread these so don't mind any mistakes I make 😭
Please note that this won't be hard angst
This chapter will contain both angst w/ happy end and fluff
TW: Intrusive thoughts

Tsukasa POV

It was 4:13 A.M., I stared at my ceiling, which had a few posters scattered across. However, I wasn't admiring the posters, I was stuck in my head.

Saki's situation is getting really bad.. there's nothing that I can do to help her now, I can just hope. We don't have enough money to keep supporting her, but no way in hell can I let her know! I have to act strong for her and for the family. This is something that I have to figure out by myself.

Saki's health was only deteriorating, and we were poor. We have only been able to afford the bare minimum needed, like food, water, school and necessities for Saki's health. Of course I wouldnt bother anyone with my problems, because if I was going to be a star, I was going to push through these little things.

That was until my boyfriend pushed too far with his questions.

"Tsukasa, I know somethings wrong! You've been totally off these past couple weeks and we've all noticed it. Please, let me know what's the matter so I can help you." I sat up in my bed and stared at him, who was sitting at my desk.

"Fine! Since you wanna be so nosy all of the time, I don't have any money to help Saki anymore. My parents aren't making the situation any better, it's like they don't care! Rui, my sister is going to die and I can't do anything to stop it.."

My eyes started tearing up, just thinking about the condition that she was in really hurt me. Every time I visited her, I'd tell her how she would be getting better when I knew it was just a lie. A horrible lie.

"Tsukasa..." He just looked back at me in shock. I couldn't even face him, I don't know how I felt. Embarrassed? Worried? Ashamed? Definitely all of the three.

I heard movement from where Rui was, which signaled to me that he was getting up. The taller made his way to where I was sitting on my bed and sat down with me. He pulled me into his arms, and we shared a warm embrace.

Reassuring me, he spoke up, "Don't worry about it, okay? I've got it all under control. Let me pay for your sister's expenses."

"What? Y-You'd do that for us?" I was surprised by how quick he was to offer.

"What kind of question is that? Family of yours is family to me, and I know how much you love your sister. No way would I just stand by and watch this happen." He gave a soft, genuine smile.

"Rui.. thank you so much!!" I wailed. Him doing this meant so much to me, and I really was grateful for him being this generous. I'm such a useless older brother. Couldn't even help my sister when she needed it most. Now I'm being a burden to my boyfriend, who has to spend his money for someone who couldn't get it himself.

"Hey, if you are ever having problems, financial or not, I want you to come to me for help. I'll always be ready to support you in whatever you need, okay?" He rubbed my back and shoulders in a slow motion, letting me cry into his shoulder.

Just him being here was enough to help me calm down. Because of him, I knew that my little sister would be okay.

The next day, at the hospital...

I stood next to Saki's bed, she was up and excited watching a small play that I came up with just for her. This was after I broke the news to her that we payed off all of the bills.

"And that was when the princess announced that she would-"

"Excuse me, Mr. Tenma?" An older lady entered the room, looking for me. She had grayed out hair, with a purple hue.

"Ah, hello! Are you here to visit my sister?" I got out of character so I could see what the lady needed.

"No, I actually wanted to see you. My son informed me about your sister's situation, and I wanted to visit the both of you!" She happily responded.

"WHAT!? M-Ms. Kamishiro?? I'm so sorry, here let me introduce myself properly." I stood up straight and walked briskly over to her. Before I raised my hand, I wiped it off on my blue blazer. "Ahem! I am Tsukasa Tenma, and it is a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Kamishiro!" I put one arm behind me, and the other out.

Both Ms. Kamishiro and my sister let out giggles, and she shook my hand gladly.

"I understand why my son likes you so much now. You're definitely a character. Oh, and I wanted to give this to you since my son is always talking about you!" She reached into her black leather bag and pulled out a hand knitted white sweatshirt.

"Ma.. please don't overwhelm him." I heard a very familiar voice sound from behind the door to Saki's room. Just an instant after, I watched Rui lug in an unreasonably large sized bag.

I nodded contently, "No worries, Ms. I'm glad that you'd come to visit." I reached out and delicately grabbed the sweater. "And, are you interested in knitting? I'm sure that this is hand knitted, correct?"

I analyzed the sweater, it was so soft to touch and resembles sheep's wool.

"Yes, I do enjoy it very much. It's an amazing pastime." She replied.

"Really? I'd have to agree with you! It's something I love. Your work is incredible on this, by the way." I continued conversing with her, and we had a lot in common. Because of this, Rui scoffed and continued what he was doing.

Off to the side, he pulled something out of his huge bag. He pulled a few things out of it. There were 2 medium sized plushies and a.. robot? It was a robot that perfectly resembled Saki. Jesus, how did he even know this much about her?

He carried the three items over to my sister, slightly limping due to the weight. "Saki, I made these for you. Just a little get better gift. And a thank you gift for being with Tsukasa all of the time!"

"AAWWEE!! They're so cute!" Saki squeaked and held the plushies close to her. "Did you make this? It looks so cool!" She eagerly pointed at the robot.

"Yup! I'm proud to say that I make lots of gadgets like these. If it ever breaks, which it shouldn't easily, just contact me and I'll see what I can do."

"Ooh, okay! Thank you so much."

"Hehe, how would you feel if you got to help me make a life sized one of Tsukasa?" He offered, giving a mischievous grin.

This was about the time that I had to chime in. "Uh- excuse me!? And what would you do with one of those??" I glared at him.

"Fufu, just wait and see~"


Imagine having free healthcare lmao couldn't be me ☠️☠️
I love Saki so much so I had to do her good in this one
POV rich Rui‼️??

I have nothing else to say, anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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