Being Sick...

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I'm gonna stick to every other day updating unless my schedule clears up which it literally probably won't ever ☠️
Anyways take this because I'm running out of ideas
This episode with be fluff + Tsukasa taking care of Rui AS HE SHOULD


Being sick really is no fun, whether you have someone taking care of you or not. My mom was out on a business trip so it would be just me, and a friend who decided to stop by and check on me. I had given him a spare key to our house (without mom's permission) just in case it was ever needed.

As I rested my head on my puffy pillows, I frowned. For the past twenty minutes I had been trying to find a comfortable position, but nothing was working efficiently. This was making me really angry, as I had to aid myself in breathing, keep my eyes open, bring my legs in so my stomach wouldn't hurt as much, and prevent a parade of other problems. This was until an unexpected visitor has arrived.

The door to my room slowly opened and creaked, which alerted me. Seeing who the unknown intruder was, it was a familiar face. The person was Tsukasa of course! Some of his blond hair was draped over an eye which shows that he was in a rush, his posture was slightly off, very different from the star's usual approach, and he wore a very concerned look.

"Thank goodness! Rui you haven't been answering any of our messages, so I was starting to get super worried. Are you doing okay???" He shut the door and ran to my bedside. Am I okay? Seriously?

The fact that Tsukasa asked if I was okay as I was dying on my bed seemed a little insensitive to me.

"Mm..." I shook my head back and forth. Talking hurt my throat so I didn't bother to make it worse.

"You poor thing! I'll make you some tea, is that okay? And also soup. How long have you been like this for?" He put a hand on my shoulder to keep me from falling back over on my bed.

In response, I held up three fingers, so he could figure out that it had been three days since I last got out of bed. The only thing I had accessible was a single bottle of water and my medications.

"Oh no.. Okay, I'll go do that now! Just hang on for a moment and I'll be right back with you ☆!" He gave a proud grin before hopping off my bed and leaving me here again. I groaned, even more upset for making him worry like this. However, some tea and soup made by Tsukasa doesn't sound bad at all.

Right after he left the room, I turned over to lay on my left side. Every time I swallowed, my throat would clench up and burn, it really sucked. The noise made each time I sniffled was annoying at first, but I had to get used to it. My eyes have been stinging and every once in a while my stomach would ache. God was not on my side.

Ughhh this is so frustrating and embarrassing... To have Tsukasa of all people see me like this!? It could've been Nene, I mean, she's seen me like this a trillion times at least. I just hope Tsukasa doesn't think I'm gross or something and he forgets about it. I felt an itch in my throat and let out a gnarly cough. This really sucks.

As I complained to myself, I had to come to terms with this situation and accept what was happening. Tsukasa obviously isn't disgusted by me, he's just so nice, always helping me out like this. He even felt the need to check in on me... God, he's so sweet.

I blushed a little bit, and it wasn't a blush from the sickness.

"Rui, I'm back! I tried to make it perfect, well, it's definitely perfect!! Here, let me help you." He entered my room once again and set the bowl and mug down on my little counter to the side of my bed. As I sat up he assisted me, then picked up the mug and we both had hands on it. Tsukasa guided it up to my mouth. He's really helping me drink right now, is he going to feed me!??

I took a sip from the hot cup, and relished the sweet flavor. He must've raided my kitchen cabinets because this was my favorite herbal tea recipe, but there was a little extra sugar added. There was the smooth taste of honey and a slight hint of lemon.

"I hope you like it. Sometimes I make tea for my family members when they get sick, as well." He stared at me, anticipating my response. I gave a small laugh and nodded. I took another drink and felt my throat open up a little bit more. It soothed the area enough for me to want to talk, so I did.

"You really went all out on this, Tsukasa. I'm so glad you did, and I feel very honored to be able to taste this~" I cooed.

"Hm? Yes! I did go all out, as I want my best friend to get better as soon as possible, if even just for a moment."

Ouch. "Best friend", did he have to clarify that?

"Heh, y-yeah." I let out a long breath.

"Here, Rui, try the soup. I wasn't sure what to put in it, but I knew to keep out vegetables." He took the mug from me gently and set it down just the same way. He then picked up the bowl, careful to to spill it, and set it in my hands.

Analyzing it visually, the first thing that immediately struck me was the dumplings. Dumplings? I'm sure I don't even have the stuff to made any, let alone have any prepared. They were perfectly round and were molded in a stunning pattern. Tsukasa definitely made these himself.

I picked up my utensils and tried a bite of the smallest dumpling. As soon as I bit down on it, the softness was a very noticeable point. The meat inside of the soft dough wrapping seemed to be pork, cooked just right. Tsukasa really likes pork, I know that much. I found humor in this, but the dish tasted delicious.

"Tsukasa, you're so good at cooking... Seriously, I could eat these all day!" I hungrily took another bite as he watched and chuckled.

"I'm glad that you're enjoying it, because it did take me a minute," He spoke softer after that, "considering you're such a picky eater."

"I'll make you my personal chef, how about that? I'd love to have both a wonderful star and amazing chef to be with at all times ♡!" I beamed, giving him a loving smile.

"Wha!!?? Hey, don't get too excited, alright? Although I am incredibly talented when it comes to cooking, I don't think I'll be taking up your offer to cook for you." He crossed his arms and playfully glared back.

With this, I laughed a little bit too hard and irritated my throat. Another harsh cough attacked me. I was then startled by a worried yell.

"Oh no!!!! Are you okay!!??"


I headcanon Tsukasa as a good cook so that's why I wrote this 😭 that and I hate being sick so why not write something relatable. Dumplings are great there's no telling me otherwise

Originally, I was gonna have it in Tsukasa POV but I feel like that would be boring asf so here we are
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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