A Valentine's Surprise 💝

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ART CREDS!!: https://twitter.com/Kazumi_prsk?t=odZsehxQjMfcSjBu8nJWRw&s=09
Lololol hi again guys..!! I'm back with a late valentine special
This episode will be fluff


When I arrived at school, I already had my whole day planned out. The night before, I stayed up painstakingly long to fill up a box of chocolates for Tsukasa.

Though we were just friends, I took it into my own hands to do something nice for the person I most adored.

The box of chocolates resided in a bag, stuffed in my locker with an ice pack throughout the day.

Since we didn't share any classes, I sketched in my notebook while anticipating the end of the day.

I hope Tsukasa will like them! I thought, while imagining Tsukasa with a grin on his face, biting into a heart-shaped chocolate.

"Hey, Rui..!" I heard a whisper coming from my left. None other than Mizuki Akiyama waved at me. "Seems like you're in a good mood. What happened?" They leaned closer to me just a little bit, so our teacher wouldn't notice.

"Well, nothing has happened yet. I'm just excited to meet with Tsukasa after school." I smiled back.

"Hehehe... you seem incredibly happy already. You're thinking about him, aren't you?" They giggled.

"Aww, it's that obvious?" I scratched the back of my neck but couldn't care less.

He might be busy during lunch, but I'll see if I can catch him before he's already involved with something. Just thinking about him eating something I made is driving me insane! I blushed at my seat while letting my mind become infatuated with the boy.

After School

The moment I heard the last bell ring, I jumped up from my seat and rushed immediately to my locker. I pulled open the door and grabbed the bag which held the chocolates.

It was still cold, and I was relieved that nothing had melted. Okay, he should be on the roof by now! Tsukasa~ I'll be there soon!

I contently skipped up the school's stairs and made my way to the rooftop. On my way, a few kids looked at me with confusion but I didn't mind them. The only thing I cared about was getting to see my best friend.

When I reached the top, I pushed open the door and felt the soft breeze rub across my face.

The air was mid-temperature, and the sun's light projected perfectly onto where Tsukasa was reading as if he was sunbathing.

His face softly glared at his book while having his glasses rested perfectly on the bridge of his nose. Tsukasa flipped the pages carefully and rested his fingers on the paper gently.

I let out a heavy breath, smiling at his stunning form. However, the noise alerted him, and Tsukasa's bright eyes lit up quickly.

"Oh, hey Rui! I had something in my locker for you too, so I'm glad you offered." He stood up and ran up to me, wrapping his arms around my neck.

My face heated up instantly, and I simply gave a weak reply. "O-Oh? I mean, you... n-nevermind."

I flunked my speech, and I had no clue what I would've said to him. "You always get so flustered, y'know? I do think that you're super cute like that." He reached for his glasses and carefully placed them in his pocket.

"You think I'm cute!?"

"Well, yeah. I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it." His head turned slightly.

I raised a shaky hand to cover my red face. "Besides that... I-I brought some chocolate for you. They're homemade... by me." I pulled the box out and handed it to the shorter boy.

He grinned and happily took the box, fumbling cutely with the pink bow that wrapped it together. "This is really nice! I seriously appreciate you making these for me." Tsukasa's voice was solemn as he unwrapped the box and sat down.

"If you like them, I can make you more sweets at any time." I sat comfortably beside him and wrapped an arm around his waist. Tsukasa, and he rested his head on my shoulder.

I filled every other piece with caramel, knowing that he would enjoy them.

Tsukasa reached for a star-shaped piece first and raised it to his mouth. I tried not to stare and be weird, but it was very hard for me to not watch him.

He took a couple of bites into the star and quickly put up a smile. "This is great! Rui, they're super sweet~" Tsukasa gushed other the treats.

I felt my heart melt, and I couldn't help but bring him in for a hug. "Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed them!" I stared into his eyes, letting my heart act over my head.

I let myself close the gap between our lips, relishing the softness of the touch. I closed my eyes and so did Tsukasa. I slowly lowered him down onto the ground, pushing us closer together.

When we pulled out to breathe, I felt a sort of shock. "I'm sorry- Is this okay..?" I felt slight guilt for not asking beforehand.

"Yeah, it's okay. That was better than the chocolate!"

I chuckled and sat up with the blond boy. For once, I was satisfied with a choice I made.

"Thank you for choosing to come."

"Of course I would. Also, if you're okay with it, can we go on a date tomorrow? I have some things planned."

"Sure, I'd be more than happy to accompany you on a date~" I complied.

For the rest of the day, I fantasized to myself about what would happen the next day.

kisses you all <3

Yeah this is gonna be like my last post for a couple weeks maybe.. I'm so burnt out and need a good break 😭💔

Happy late valentines, friends!! I probably am gonna return with a smut and def fluff for you all.. just wait lol

Thanks for 16k+ reads ilysm
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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