The Best Toy

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rui gets horny. tsukasa isn't home. rui gets an amazing idea.
This episode will be smut


I sat on my bed, my fingers quickly rotated from key to key on my laptop. There was much work that I had to catch up on, but my mind just couldn't stay on my work. I was saddened that Tsukasa was out, as he was the best company for me, but there was nothing that I could do about it.

I sighed, listening to the silent and dull ticking of the clock that was just on the wall next to me, reminding me that I still had hours of work. My eyes began to droop as the bright screen pierced through them.

Feeling bored, a rather skeptical thought crossed my mind. My lover, Tsukasa, was the most admirable person. One of his great qualities was his strength. In my head, I pictured his toned body, feeling a sudden arousal.

Every night when I layed beside him, I hardly ever thought about something so sexy. However, when I got bored, my love for the man would be apparent with my thoughts. My right hand came to a stop and slowly moved down to my crotch.

I set the laptop to the side and pulled up my phone, quickly going to a folder in my gallery that was dedicated to the man. They were all normal photos, some in the beach, the Wonder Stage, at the store, and the list goes on.

My mind got fuzzy and I looked frantically for one photo, one specific photo. My breathing was heavy as my eyes glued onto my screen and scanned for the image. It was a nice photo of the blond wearing his show uniform, the new one that I redesigned for him since the old one was getting too small.

I'm so glad he let me design it for him... He's so... sexy... I felt myself beginning to drool more and more the longer I stared.

But he's not here. I don't have his perfect body with me right now. The next best thing must be... Letting my arousal be forgotten for a moment, I reached across my bed. Somewhere at the foot of it was a small Tsukasa plush, which I had bought a month ago.

We decided on cute matching plushies since a we had finally gotten a manufacturer to make them of us and our troupe mates.

I reached into my pants and pull out my cock, comparing it to the size of the toy. Leaning to my right, I grabbed a knife from the nightstand and plunged it into the back of the toy, desperate to make a hole.

Tsukasa and I rarely did anything sexual together, so there was no need to keep lube in the house. Lotion would do the perfect job!

After I lathered my size with the lotion, I positioned the tip up with the toy's hole. Staring into its soulless smile, I felt slightly embarrassed. Nevertheless, I continued so I could please myself.

The photo I looked at was amazing, as Tsukasa's smile was unbearably adorable, his muscles nicely curved through the suit, and... a good bit of his chest was exposed from the suit being slightly buttoned down.

I slowly slid the plush down my cock, trembling with excitement. It felt surprisingly good, with the cotton on the inside tickling my veins and skin.

I bit my lip, slowly spreading my legs for comfort. I began to scroll through my phone's gallery, moaning softly when I thrusted into the toy's limited space.

"Mm... Tsukasa~ You're so good... so perfect for me~" I panted, feeling my dick swell, practically begging for release.

My hips bucked up when my arm got tired of constantly moving the toy on and off of me. "Nghh~ So warm!" My hair messily fell onto my face, separating and sticking to my forehead.

The farther into my gallery I scrolled, the better the pictures. Tsukasa and I would teasingly send each other suggestive photos, but I always enjoyed them more than I was supposed to.

A hot picture of Tsukasa shirtless after a rehearsal practice. Another with his pants unzipped, revealing his bulge as he sat in a seductive way with his legs partially spread.

When the photos got sexier, I thrusted harder into the toy, throwing my head back as I got closer to release.

"Tsu~ Ah, you're so perfect~!" I squeezed my eyes shut and threw my phone down, gasping solely at the pleasure I was receiving.

Within a few short seconds, I came, feeling my body shiver at the sensation. As good as it felt to reach my orgasm; it somehow felt even better knowing that I had actually just came inside of a stuffed toy that resembled my lover.

I was impressed at how well it felt. I giggled and removed the toy from my length, admiring the mess that I made. Just then, I got a call from none other than the man I loved.

"Rui, how have you been? Sorry for not being home yet, I'll be back in 10!" He sounded cheerful.

"I've been doing better than good. Don't apologize for being late, my dear. I'm just... overly excited to have you back." I tried to hide how much I actually wanted him back.

Most of my longing came from the pleasant afterglow of the moment I shared with myself.

"Okay, then! I'd like to have a nice night, so don't be shy to clean up a bit."

"I suppose I'll do so. I love you, drive home safe."

"I love you more!"


And to this day tsukasa doesn't know what rui did with that toy

For some odd reason I've been only wanting to write smut, so um... yeah. I don't have any more in my drafts so oops sorry
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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