Questioning Myself (Pt. 2)

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Here's your promised smut 😘😘 next chapter is big boy Tsukasa's angst
This episode will be fluff and smut

(Wren please DO NOT read this I swear to God it's EMBARRASSING I won't ever be able to talk to you again the same im so serious)


When I told Tsukasa about experimenting to find out his sexuality, the last thing I expected would be for him to try something out with me.

I was enjoying the time I spent with Tsukasa, and it was nice being in a somewhat real relationship.

I learned a lot about him while we shared time, somehow a lot more than I already knew. He invited me over to his place often and treated me very well, insisting to his family that I, too, was family.

"Hey..." He started while patting my head. I looked up at him, lifting my head from the comforting spot on his chest. "Do I make you uncomfortable when you're around my family?"

"No, I've never been off put by anything you've done. Why do you ask?" I tilted my head slightly.

"Well, I'm always really proud of my loved ones. As I do with you, I kind of show them off..? I don't want to weird you out by doing that."

"Darling, I don't mind. If anything, it just shows me how much you care~" I gave him a caring smile and crawled over him, pinning him down.

He wrapped his arms around my neck and gave me a small, sweet kiss. "I'm glad you're okay with it."

He pulled me down for another kiss, and I accepted it immediately. We rarely did anything too intimate to prevent any awkwardness, but I always yearned to feel him close to me.

I let my left-hand trail down to his waist, stuffing it up his shirt and feeling his smooth skin. I felt him shiver underneath me, but he didn't speak against my actions.

The kiss gradually heated up, and our tongues clashed as mine felt around in his mouth. Tsukasa panted and let out a few whimpers as I did so.

His lips were soft and nice to feel against my own. I pulled back temporarily so we could regain our breath, and I gave him a quaint smirk, moving my thumb over his erect nipple.

He whined and furrowed his brows at the sensation, squirming under me and rubbing his thighs together. I pushed them apart and pressed my knee into his crotch, leaving kisses down his neck, chest, and face.

The blond pulled at my shirt collar, giving me a pleading look. I giggled and removed my shirt, moving down to work his off as well. "You're so stunning, dear. I just want to play with you all night~, " I cooed while I moved a hand down to his waist, tugging at the shorts he wore.

Tsukasa's face dusted a pretty pink, and he glanced down my chest, breaking eye contact. "J-Just get on with this..!" He sounded embarrassed and hugged me tightly.

"Anything for you, my love." I chuckled and fully removed his shorts to reveal a large bulge under his boxers. I rubbed it through the cloth, receiving desperate pouts from the shorter boy.

His lips curled down and an upset tone came from him. "Rui, you're such a tease..." He stuck his tongue out and I smiled softly.

"Fufu, I'll keep it down for as long as you keep being a good boy~," I gently caressed his stomach and chest. I leaned in for another short kiss and stuck my hand into his boxers, stroking his length.

"Mmh~ Feels so good..." He moaned out, and I blushed at the noise. He held onto me tighter, stuffing his face into my neck.

I continued touching him, getting a rise out of the heavy panting he let into the air. I brought him in for another kiss, more sloppy and unorganized.

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