It's My Birthday!?

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Silly gays celebrate Tsukasa's birthday
This episode will be fluff


Awake bright and early at 2 AM gave me the perfect start to my morning. Since it was my dear husband's birthday, I decided to give him a special day. I gathered up some friends and family, and we worked on setting decorations.

As adults, we rarely got anything special like childish parties, but I wanted to do everything in my power to give Tsukasa an amazing day.

"So, is that it?" Nene looked up and admired the work she completed.

I pondered for a moment. Those streamers are slightly off-centered, and those stars are too close together... I frowned and stepped back to see the decorations that Tsukasa would first see.

Maybe... "Can I start on the cake!?" Emu skipped over to me.

"Nope! I don't trust you to make a cake." I giggled and walked away, and she made a sad pout. "Actually, will you work with Saki on it?" I clasped my hands together and watched as Emu headed toward the kitchen.

I sighed and turned around, and to my dismay, a certain blond was making his way downstairs. "Ah, d-darling please stay up there for a moment!" I rushed to the foot of the stairs and everyone went silent.

"You left me, and there's too much noise..." He slowly came down, and I watched each step he took carefully.

When he started getting too close, I ran up to him, picked him up, and led him back to our bedroom. "Hey, let me down!" He kicked at me.

"Sorry dear, but it's a little messy down there." I set him back in bed and kissed him.

"I can help, you know!" He frowned and came to sit on my lap. I hugged him and smiled.

The cake has only just been started. It's 2:15, and it's gonna take a while... "How about we cuddle for a bit? I'm assuming that you already got ready."

"Why are you so weird this morning? I'd love to cuddle, but I'm starving~!" He held his stomach dramatically and fell onto the bed again.

Tsukasa stretched out and kicked his legs around. What can I do? I've got to get him food somehow. "How about, I get you food, come back up to give it to you, then we cuddle?" I stood up, but he grabbed my waist and pulled me back down.

"No! What's downstairs, huh? What are you hiding from me?" He got up and sprinted to the door.

My eyes widened, and I grinned. This will be fun~ "Wait, darling!" I stood up and ran after him. He was a fast little devil, but I grabbed him before he got to the stairs.

Frustrated, he tried to wiggle out of my hold. "C'mon, what's the big secret!?" I noticed how the others downstairs went silent again.

I chuckled and pulled him down on my lap again. "Fufu, well, it wouldn't be a secret if I just told you!"

He frowned and crossed his arms. "I don't like this secret." He said and slid out of my hands again to book it down the stairs.

"Aww..." I pouted as he reached the bottom of the stairs, seeing the decorations. "You ruined the surprise!" I hugged him from behind and gave him a sad look.

Tsukasa just stared at it with widened eyes, not making a sound for a while. His head turned to me and with a brow raised he spoke, "It's not my birthday."

I paused for a moment and my grip around him loosened.

"Hahaha! Did you really forget, darling?" I laughed and humored his bewildered expression.

He looked embarrassed for a moment, his face turning bright red. "It's my birthday!?" The shorter stared at me.

I rolled my eyes and pulled him in for a warm embrace. "Of course it is. I wanted to do something nice this year and someone spoiled the surprise." I giggled.

"Eh!? I'm sorry for that, but I got scared..." He gripped my shirt tightly.

"It's okay. I have nothing to hide from you~" I leaned over and gave him a sweet kiss, holding his waist.

I suppose this isn't going to be that bad! We can still have plenty of fun while the cake is being worked on. I pulled away from the kiss and opened my eyes. Tsukasa was smiling contently and I felt happy again, holding him close to me.

Later that day...

"The cake was delicious!!" Tsukasa grinned after finishing his treat.

"Yay! I'm glad you think so!" Saki and Emu looked proud as they surrounded the blond boy whilst sharing each step they took to make it.

I giggled and sighed, standing up to put away the mess I made. I'm glad that they're all having a good time! Though I would much rather be alone with him this isn't that bad, either.

I felt myself getting lost while staring at him again, pondering and imagining many scenarios about him. Looking at him was free and easy therapy, it calmed me down and reminded me of everything I had, and how good my life was despite minor hardships.

Tsukasa... You have no idea what you do to me. I smiled. So, to another year with you, I love you. "He's got you so smitten!" Mizuki appeared at my side and gave me a little nudge.

"Hehe... it's so hard to not love someone like him." I blushed and gave a small shrug.

They laughed and shook their head. "An expected answer from you. Well, if you wanna make a move then go for it!" Mizuki whisper-yelled at me and pushed me forward.

'Go for it.' That's ironic considering we're already in a relationship. I humored the situation. "Tsukasa, could you come here for a moment?" I asked.

The shorter perked up and nodded. "Sure! What's up, Rui?" He stood up and walked to where I was, and I took his hand. I led him into a separate room and gave him another hug.

"I just wanted to personally tell you, happy birthday~"

"Aww~ Thank you, Rui! I appreciate that you went out of your way to do this much for me. I love you."

I sighed, relieved, and planted a kiss on his soft cheek. "I love you more~"


I made this whole thing in one day. I didn't want to be too late but I still wanted to do something :))

I got both of Tsukasa's birthday cards and now I'm excited about what they're going to do for next year!!
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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