All I Want Is You

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Yes title is mariag carey reference i love her shes almost as good as my boyfriend 💞💞

OH ALSO! Ik.. Two tsukasa POVs in a row... Forgive me... Its a real big sin....

Christmas special!! (I think I'll make an actual christmas part, too ^^)
Inspired by my lovely lovely partner 💖
This episode will be fluff

Tsukasa POV

"Love! How does this look~?" I excitedly dragged my husband out into our living room.

It'd be the first Christmas I spent with him married, and it'd be the first of many. We were getting into holiday spirit a bit late, as we had a week to Christmas. It didn't matter much to us, because we still had a blast.

I finally put up our tree, which was beautifully decorated with Rui's lights. He made them all by himself, and I always adored his creations. He told me all about how meticulous it was to make each light, but damn I loved it.

I loved him. So, I eagerly awaited his praise and approval of my work.

"Well, it's perfect! What more can I say? You're so good at stuff like this~!" He smiled and pulled me closer to him.

I proudly nodded. "Haha! I know I'm just amazing at this! Thank you for making these decorations, too. They're breathtaking!"

"I appreciate that, darling. Sorry, but nothing can be as breathtaking as you."

Rui giggled and kissed my cheek. Oh, these cheek kisses get me all riled up! I wish he'd just kiss me on my lips... I leaned into his loving touch and smiled.

"I really don't know how I managed to get someone like you to marry me. You're my everything."

"I married you because I was in love with you, and I still am. I love you so much."

"I love you, too." I gently pulled out of his touch so I could finish dinner. I had paused the making of our meals because I wanted to put my lover's creation to use as soon as I could.

So, when I got to the kitchen, I waved him over to help me. I was making us salmon alongside my collard greens that he loved so much. Even though Rui hated vegetables, I had somehow convinced him to try them. He loved my collard greens, and had me make them for him very often.

I loved making food for Rui. He always smiles and gets so happy when I make him food... I'm so fucking in love. I smiled. I wanted to make Rui happy, so I cooked for him.

"I love you more~" He hugged me and kissed my nape. He kissed me repetitively a few times, then moved his head to give me a charming grin.

I furrowed my brows and looked up at the man. "Do you really wanna try me right now? I love you more."

"I would, but I'm just soooo tired~! I promise I'll prove it tomorrow morning!" He blushed and kissed my cheek again.

I fully believed his excuse. As a chef, I often came home from dinner services late. This evening, Rui wasn't asleep as he usually was. Rui was wide awake, but reading a book.

He had always, always been passed out, except for now. His mannerisms were delayed and slow, showing me how sleepy he really was. I shouldn't have him make dinner tonight. Poor guy must be one second away from falling asleep on me.

I chuckled and kissed the taller man back. His eyes were soft and a drowsiness filled them up. "Can we cuddle?" A bit of embarrassment covered my tone as I asked.

Rui hummed and held me a little bit closer. "Mhm. I'm sorry that I won't be able to try your dinner tonight..."

"Don't be sorry! I'll be more than happy to make you dinner another night, my love. Head up to our bedroom, and I'll put this away."


I reached our room, where I removed my shirt beside the bed. Rui was settled in, staring at me with what resembled wonder. At the same time, he looked so adorable and comfortable.

Ah, I can't believe there was a time when I couldn't cuddle him all of the time. I nearly shivered from the cold, as the weather had gotten much chiller compared to the cools of autumn. Rui's body was often very cold as well, so I allowed myself to warm him and myself up.

After getting myself ready in bed, I carefully spooned my lover. "This will be the first time you get sleep in our bed for about a week, huh?"

"Yeah. I really do miss sleeping with you, Tsukasa." Rui sighed, then pulled my arm over him so he could kiss my hand.

In response, I lovingly kissed his neck. "Oh, but you choose to fall asleep at your work station. I always remind you to go to our bed!"

"It's hard to remember reminders when I'm doing something I love!"

I smiled and simply hugged him even harder. Whenever Rui talked about his passions, I loved to listen. He was truly adorable, and always made my heart grow for him. I loved being obsessed with him.

He was the man of my dreams. He truly was. As I daydreamed about the man I held close to me, I heard a sudden deep breathing.

Aww... He's fallen asleep. I'm glad he was able to find good sleep, though. "I love you, Rui." I whispered, cautious to let the purple man sleep.

After feeling the drowsiness overcome my own body, I decided to sleep with him. Maybe I'll dream about you again, tonight.


WOWWEEE!! I love ruikasa ughhh 😭😭😭

Love, I know how much you enjoy your collard greens and peas 🥺🥺 LMAOOO

I was gonna put pork chops over salmon but salmon is just too good to not include

This is more aimless fluff + hinted medieval ruikasa cause they're kinda my life rn 💕 So adorable
Anyways, tysm for reading! 💖

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