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Jennie – 5 years ago

I walked through the house party with my best friend Alison, we didn't go to this school but she had a lot of friends who did.

"Alison we can't stay here for long." I yelled over the music, "We have classes tomorrow."

She handed me a red solo cup, "Come on Jennie, live a little." She stared at me with challenging eyes until I tipped the cup back. The alcohol burning my throat as it went down, warming my body.

"Atta girl!" She cheered as she refilled my cup.

Alison was my best friend, we were roommates in our first year of university and from then on, we've been inseparable since. She put her hair in a messy ponytail, "I'm going to go find my friends." she gestured to the other side of the room, "But Mr. Hunky over there is eyeing you." We both watched as he made his way to us.

"Hi. I'm Taehyung. I don't think I've ever seen you girls at a party before. Are we in the same university?"

"No, but if all the guys here look like you, I might consider transferring." Alison laughed. We all turned to the sound of squealing and girls screaming Alison's name. "And that's my cue to leave." she waved her fingers at us and walked towards the group of girls. But she turned around and mouthed "WOW!" And then proceeded to hump the air like a hormonal frat boy.

Taehyung turned around wondering what I was looking at and saw Alison mid-hump. Her face turned red and she immediately stood up straight and disappeared into the crowd. Taehyung turned his attention back to me and we laughed, "I will apologize on her behalf. I'm Jennie."

Taehyung shrugged, "That's alright. She seems... nice." we both laughed again. I finished my drink and he looked at me surprised, "You're quite a drinker."

I shook my head and laughed because I was quite the opposite. Two drinks in and I was drunk, my vision started to blur and my eyelids started to feel heavy. He looked on with concerned eyes as he sat me down in a chair and grabbed me a cup of water. He watched me drink it before taking the empty cup, "Hey, do you want to get out of here?"

Normally, I would've said something along the lines of "Fuck off." but with my guard down, I nodded my head. He lifted me up and we walked out of the party, with his strong hands gripping my shoulders with a surprising amount of gentleness. What was even more surprising was that we didn't go to his apartment or dorm. We ended up at a diner a couple of blocks away from the party.

He sat me down in the booth, while he slid into the booth on the opposite side. "I hope you don't mind. When I drink, I get really hungry, so I figured that you were starving too."

I laughed and opened up the menu, "A man after my own heart."

We talked and ate our delicious pancake and waffles. I told him how I was at Juilliard as a theatre student and I wanted to act when I graduated. He listened with kind eyes, never interrupting or saying how he thought it was a dead end career like my parents did. He told me that he was a business major at Yale but his family expected him to walk in his father's footsteps as a politician. His eyes seemed sad when he told me this, so I reached out and placed my hand in his. He smiled as he intertwined our fingers, grazing my knuckles with his thumb.

The next morning, I woke up to the sun shining on my face and sheets wrapped around my naked body. Taehyung's arm was wrapped around me as he pulled me closer and kissed my shoulder, "Good morning, Jennie."

"Good morning." I whispered

I turned to face him and he smiled, while tucking a brown lock of hair behind my ear, "You are so beautiful." He leaned in to kiss me softly on the lips, "How do you like your eggs?" He whispered as he pulled away.

I smiled, "Scrambled."

It was at that moment that I fell in love with Taehyung Kim.

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