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Jennie – 2 hours earlier

"Good job today, bud." Alison complimented when she pulled up in front of the building.

"Thanks." I smiled as I opened the door. Alison rolled down the window before I could walk inside. "Hey! Don't forget that you have early call times this weekend so please be ready when I come to pick you up."

I rolled my eyes, "Yes mother." I started walking inside when I heard Alison still yelling from the driver's seat, "I'm serious Jennie!" I gave her a wave as I continued walking inside.

"I swear to God, I know someone who lives here!" I saw a girl talking to the security at the door.

"Miss, if I had a nickel for every time I heard that lie, I'd be able to afford to live in here too." the man chuckled. He cleared his throat, "But I'm sorry I have to ask you to leave the premises."

I saw her shoulders droop and she turned the leave. My eyebrows shot up, "Lia?"

She looked up, "Jennie! Thank goodness you're here."

I couldn't hide the surprise and confusion on my face, "What are you doing here?" I asked.

Lia had a mischievous look on her face as we waited for the elevator, "It was really boring after you and Lisa left, so I decided to come to visit. I hope that's alright."

The doors opened and we got on together, "Of course you're always welcome to come over." I said sincerely, as I put my key into the top panel, "But is Lisa expecting you?"

"No, but I was hoping to surprise her." she answered. She gaped at my key still stuck at the top of the panel, "Is that to get to the penthouse?"

I nodded, "Lisa has one too." The doors opened and we stepped out, entering the living room. "Why don't you have a seat, Lia. I'll grab you some snacks."

I put my bag down on the floor and rummaged through the kitchen, putting together a simple cheese and fruit platter.

"So I assume that you'll be staying for a couple of days?" I asked as I set the platter down in front of her. She popped a grape in her mouth and nodded, "Is that ok with you?" she asked with the grape stored in her cheek. I laughed, "Of course." I got up, "Let me just get the guest room set up. Feel free to hang out in here until Lisa comes home."

I quickly walked to Lisa's room, removing all her belongings and putting it in my room. I couldn't have Lia thinking that Lisa and I slept in different rooms. Couples didn't sleep in separate beds. I carried two armfuls of Lisa's clothes, quietly transferring them to my own without Lia knowing. I looked around the barren room once I was done and almost hit myself in the forehead when I realized that I almost forgot the contract. I walked to the nightstand and picked up the notebook that Lisa had tucked the contract into. I breathed out a sigh of the relief, that was close. I heard the elevator door open and Lisa's voice. I took a deep breath and went to meet her in the living room.

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