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My back was turned to Lisa as I talked to Alison, or tried to at least. This Diane girl was being so obvious with her interest in Lisa but what I couldn't understand was her complete disregard for our relationship. I was protective of Lisa and I've met my fair share of fake girls working in the industry and Diane had fake written all over her.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Diane inching closer to Lisa and I could feel the green-headed monster in me, rearing its ugly head. Until I felt Lisa put her hand on my leg, I looked down at it and intertwined our fingers together. I stared down at our interlocked hands for a second, marvelling at how well our hands fit in each other, a perfect fit. Lisa suddenly pulled away, got up from her stool and gave me a kiss on the side of my head before she left to go set up on stage.

"So, have you told Lisa yet?" Alison asked taking a sip of her wine.

"Told Lisa what?"

"How you feel about her." she answered nonchalantly.

I watched as Diane followed Lisa to a table right in front of the stage. I rolled my eyes, she really was getting on my nerves, "You know what?" I drained the wine in my glass, "I will tell her how I feel." I slapped my palm on the bar, "Tonight!"

"Really?" Alison asked surprised, "Does it have anything to do with the girl that can't keep it in her pants?"

"I'm glad you're finally embracing your reputation." I joked.

"Ha ha very funny." her eyes widened, "Shit! I forgot to check in with the baby sitter, I told her that I'd check on her every hour and I haven't at all. I'll be right back." she scurried out the front door. I laughed and shook my head as I turned my attention to the bartender for another glass of wine.

"Jennie? Is that you?"

I turned around and found Rosé Park standing behind me, "Omg! It is you!" She gave me a hug before I could even stand up, "Rosé? What are you doing here?"

Rosé pulled back, "Jisoo's friend is playing tonight and invited us." I took a look at Rosé and I couldn't help but feel like a proud parent. She was only a couple of years younger than I was, but we've known each other for years. Her mother, Olivia was actually the person who introduced us. Maybe it was because Rosé and I were close in age that Olivia felt the need to protect me from the industry and was always there to keep me grounded.

Although Rosé was all grown up, she was always going to be that 15 year old girl that I met all those years ago. My attention moved to the girl beside her and I squinted my eyes at her with a smile, "Have we met before?" She did look familiar, and I wondered if I met her at an awards ceremony before.

She smiled and extended her hand, "We have but I never got to introduce myself. My name is Jisoo, I'm Rosé's fiancée."

"Fiancée!" I repeated as I looked at Rosé. My eyes immediately went down to her finger and sure enough, there was a huge engagement ring on it. She grinned and I hugged them both, "Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys!"

"Thank you." they laughed.

"Jisoo! Come see?" Lisa called from the stage. Jisoo gave me an apologetic smile which I waved off.

"She's been going on about seeing an old friend of hers ever since they ran into each other" Rosé commented as we watched her leave. I raised an eyebrow, "I wasn't aware that Lisa knew Jisoo." I gestured to the seat next to me which Rosé took.

"Oh yeah, Lisa and I met on my first date with Jisoo, so you could only imagine my surprise when I read that you guys were dating, I didn't even know that you were queer." Rosé smirked.

I made eye contact with the bartender and asked for two more glasses of wine, "I could say the same about you."

Rosé laughed, "I was so deep in the closet during high school." she turned in her stool and looked back at Jisoo, "Until I almost lost Jisoo and I finally found the courage to come out."

The bartender placed two new glasses of red wine in front of us, "How did you two meet?" she asked taking a sip from her glass.

"Here, actually. I was kind of passing by and I saw her, and the rest is kind of history." I lifted the rim of the glass to my mouth and took a big gulp.

Rosé laughed, "I get it, she's really cute. Don't tell Jisoo I said that."

"Tell me what?" Jisoo asked from behind as she pointed to the glass in our hands, "You're drinking tonight?"

Rosé turned around and handed the glass to Jisoo, "Who turns down a drink with Jennie Kim?"

Jisoo looked at me and took a sip from the glass, "I'll drink to that!"

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