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I walked down the street holding a huge bouquet of flowers thankful that I had an excuse not to jog back home. I had to admit, it was a beautiful arrangement and the woman at the store was so excited to sell it to me that it was hard not to buy it.

I entered the condo building when a familiar face popped into view.

"Arthit!" I ran and gave him a big hug.

"Ms. Manoban." he laughed, "It's been a long time."

"It has. Sure has." I agreed pulling away, "Are you finally coming back to work?"

"Unfortunately no." he patted the back of a nervous-looking guy, "I'm training the new security for the building, this is Patrick."

"Nice to meet you, Patrick. You have some big shoes to fill." I winked.

Patrick swallowed, "I'll do my best."

I turned back to Arthit, "So how long will you be training Patrick?"

"I think maybe a week or two, it will depend on how fast he can pick it up."

I smiled, at least I'd be able to say bye to Arthit when I moved out. I hugged him one more time, "Well, it's great to see you, Arthit."

He returned my hug and I made my way upstairs to the most amazing woman, excited to see what her reaction would be to the flowers. When the doors opened, the aroma of fresh coffee and eggs wafted in the air and I found Jennie wearing just a long t-shirt and underwear flipping pancakes on the stove. I stood there, just admiring the backside of the sexiest woman alive.

"Good morning, babe." I called out.

She turned around and skipped happily to me, "Hi baby!"

I held out the bouquet to her, "This is for you."

She grinned and brought the flowers up to her nose, "What's the occasion?"

"Nothing." I shrugged with a smile, "I just wanted to get you flowers."

She gave me a kiss, "You are too sweet." She turned around, "Come sit, I made breakfast."

I took a seat while Jennie found a vase to put the flowers into, "How was your run?" she asked not turning around.

"Good." I replied before taking a sip of orange juice. "I only regretted going on the run six times in my mind."

Jennie sat across from me and giggled, "I was surprised this morning when I woke up and you weren't in bed."

"I thought about waking you up, but you seemed really tired." I scooped a forkful of eggs into my mouth, "And because I know that you have a workout session at the gym today. I didn't want you to be tired for that and because we're having our own workout tonight." I winked. Jennie picked up an orange slice, "Says the one that begged for a time out after her third orgasm last night." I pointed my fork at her, "I told you it wasn't a time out! I thought I heard my phone ringing in the living room!"

She laughed, "Then why did I find you doubled over the sofa staring blankly at the wall?"

I looked down at my plate, knowing that I was caught but I decided to come up with an excuse anyway, "That doesn't prove anything, you just caught me meditating."

"Had I known meditating was that sexy, I would've picked it up a long time ago." she chuckled. "What do you have planned today?"

I emptied the orange juice in my cup, "I'm looking at a couple of places across town with my mom and Lia, and then I have some business at the bank." After I gave Alison the cheques back, I had to think of a way to come up with a down payment for the deposit on a new place. But I didn't care if I had to take a dozen loans from the bank, because I definitely didn't make a mistake giving the cheques back.

I could see Jennie's expression dim a little as she leaned back in her chair, "Right." she pursed her lips, "You don't want to just stay here? I mean there's plenty of room and you've already adapted."

"Why? Are you going to miss me that much?" I rested my head on my hand and gave her a cheeky smile. She rolled her eyes and pushed the chair from the table, "I should probably get going." She walked around her side of the table and kissed me, "Thank you for the flowers, baby."

"Thank you for making breakfast." I answered. She turned around and I took the opportunity to slap her butt, laughing when she yelped out in surprise.

HOPE NOT | JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now