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"It was so wonderful to meet you, Lisa." my mother gushed, "You and Jennie really should make the trip over and visit us sometime."

Lisa laughed, "Of course Mrs. Kim, as soon as Jennie's schedule frees up, we'll come to visit."

"Fantastic!" I watched my mother hug Lisa and smirked.

My dad put his arm around me, "I think your mother has taken a liking to her."

"Should we be worried?" I joked.

"Nah, Lisa's got a good one." he smiled. Having my parents here was weird but a good kind of weird. Maybe it's because we haven't spoken to each other in so long. "I'm proud of you, Jennie bear." my dad said quietly. My eyes went wide with surprise, I haven't heard that nickname in so long. I smiled, "For tricking Lisa into being with me?"

He laughed with me, "No, honey. I'm just proud of who you are as a person." He sighed, "I know your mother and I weren't supportive of your career choice and that made you pull away from us. We both regret the way that we acted. We should have been more supportive."

It was weird hearing this from my father who not only didn't say much but when he did speak, it was only ever about work and securing a future with financial stability. I hugged him, "Thanks, dad." I could feel his body tense, we were never the kind of family that expressed physical affection but maybe being with Lisa changed me. My dad wrapped his arms around me and I smiled into his shoulder. He squeezed me tight then let go, "We better get going, Barbara."

My mom let go of my dad's hand and walked towards me. "You look happy, Jennie." she patted my cheek, "But you don't look like you're eating enough."

I chuckled, "I'm eating enough mom." I quirked an eyebrow at Lisa, "Trust me." I stifled a smile when I watched her cheeks redden and she looked away. My mom hugged me before she took my dad's arm again. "Be sure to bring your mom and sister to Thanksgiving. We would love to meet them." she said to Lisa, as my dad led them into the elevator.

Lisa laughed "I will, Mrs. Kim."

"You know what? Why don't you give me your number and I'll call to remind you." she went to grab her phone from her bag but my dad stopped her, "She'll give Jennie a call." he gave me a wink before the doors closed.

"Well, they are lovely." Lisa laughed and went back to the kitchen to clean up.

"I think my mom is planning our wedding in her head." I giggled.

She raised an eyebrow at me with a smile, "That's odd, I'm not even your girlfriend." She stacked the dishes into a neat pile and brought them to the sink.

"Why do you keep saying that!?" I rolled my eyes at her back.

She chuckled, "Because you haven't asked me." she picked up the sponge and started washing the dishes.

"Well, why can't you ask me?" I frowned.

"Because you broke up with me and it's an unwritten rule that the person who breaks up with the other person, has to be the one to rectify the relationship."

I tilted my head, "But I did ask you."

She waved a soapy finger in front of my face, "Nope. You said you loved me and that you wanted to be with me." she grinned, "For the record, I love you and I want to be with you too." She quickly pecked my lips and went back to washing the dishes.

"Okaaaaay!" I huffed, "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"Nope." Lisa popped the letter 'p' at the end while continuing to wash dishes.

"What the hell!" I gawked.

Lisa laughed, "I want to be wooed, baby. Not even like in a flashy way, but in a Jennie Kim way."

I smirked, "You've got it." I grabbed her soapy hands and dragged her to our bedroom.

HOPE NOT | JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now