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I walked towards the balcony, praying that it was vacant. I pushed open the door and to my relief, only the sound of crickets occupied the space. I walked to the railing, resting my elbows on them as I admired the moon in the sky. Tonight went perfect, everyone I introduced Lisa to instantly took a liking to her. I wasn't surprised, Lisa was both charming and beautiful that people couldn't help but like her. It only made me feel more guilty about this entire thing. I wasn't sure how Lisa was feeling about it, but it definitely made me feel like an awful person.

I hid my face in my hands, wondering if I could talk to Alison about this. I walked back towards the house and opened the door. I put a smile on my face and navigated my way through the party. A hard body knocked my shoulder, almost sending me to the floor when a pair of hands held me upright. My hands rested on the familiar forearms and a feeling of comfort flooded me when I looked into Taehyung's eyes.

"Are you ok?" he asked standing me up.

"Yeah." I breathed out. I leaned forward, "Taehyung, I really need to talk to you."

He looked around but gave me a small nod. We went back out to the balcony where we could have some privacy. I waited until he closed the door before I launched into my venting monologue.

"Taehyung, I don't think I can do this anymore." I put my hands in my hair and started pacing, "I just feel so guilty all the time, like we're literally lying to everyone, Taehyung."

He sighed, "Honey, just think of it as another role that you're playing. It'll be over before you know it."

I shook my head as I continued pacing, "This isn't make-believe, Taehyung. This is real life. There's no script, no stage directions, and cameras don't stop rolling when Lisa and I aren't in public."

"Jennie, where is this coming from? You were ok with this when Lisa signed the contract!" Taehyung argued.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "First of all, I wasn't ok with it. You didn't talk to me at all nor even bother to discuss your plan with me and you just assumed that I'd go along with it!" I huffed as I stopped pacing, "There are people who look up to Lisa and me because we're in the public eye. Young people who are confused about their sexuality look up to us. What are we supposed to tell people when they find out that we both lied?"

I turned around and saw Taehyung holding the bridge of this nose, actually looking very annoyed. Just that gesture had my blood boiling. "Jennie, you're just mind-fucking this way too much. When you and Lisa break up, people aren't going to care at all!" He laughed and put his hands in his pocket lazily, "Come on Jennie. I didn't think you were like this."

I narrowed my eyes at him and crossed my arms across my chest, "Like what!?"

"Like everyone else here in Hollywood! They think that everything revolves around them. When you and Lisa break up, people are only going to talk about it, for like a minute. Then they'll go on with their lives." He walked towards me, "Jennie, don't be so dramatic. Just chill out, ok!?" He put his hands on my sides and the last thing that I wanted was his hands on me, not after everything that he had said.

I suddenly heard Lisa's voice from behind me, "Wow, please tell me that you didn't just tell her to chill out."

Taehyung's hands fell from my body as Lisa stood beside me. "For the record, we hate it when you tell us to calm down or chill out."

"We? You're really playing it up on the couple thing aren't you?" Taehyung asked in a condescending tone.

"Stop it, Taehyung!" I started.

Lisa didn't back down, challenging him with her eyes, "We, as in the female population, moron."

"Lisa, please." I put my hand up to my forehead.

Lisa put a hand up, "No Jennie, why do you let this narcissistic asshole tell you what to do or even how to behave?" She ignored my pleas as she and Taehyung continued to argue.

"For someone who has no power, you talk a lot of shit!" Taehyung walked closer to her.

"And for someone who talks so much shit, it's obvious your asshole is jealous. So let me tell you something ass wipe, because you're forgetting something very important..." she poked him in the chest, "... you need me more than I need you."

Taehyung narrowed his eyes and was now towering over her but Lisa didn't seem like she was backing down either. I shook my head, I've had enough of these two clowns, "That's it. Enough." I took Lisa's arm, "We're leaving." I didn't even wait to hear Taehyung say goodbye, I was too angry at the moment to even care. Thank goodness Joseph was already waiting for us when I opened to door to the balcony. "Joseph, could you please take us home?"

He gave me a nod as he escorted us away from the party.

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