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I turned around in my chair with a smile to greet Lisa but was met with a stone face. I watched her scan the crowd quickly with an uneasy smile and fear in her eyes. She kept the smile on her face as she came closer, giving Jane a hug first, then she turned to me. I pulled her into my arms, giving her a kiss on the cheek, "Breathe." I whispered in her ear, "I'm here."

I watched her take an audible breathe giving me a smile before she turned to the audience giving a small wave. The applause finally calmed and we all took a seat.

"Lalisa, it's so nice to finally meet you." Jane smiled.

"The pleasure's all mine." Lisa smiled or tried to. I reached over the armrest of my chair and took her hand, trying to comfort her in some way. Her hand tensed under my hands for a second, but then she visibly relaxed.

Jane looked like she was going to go crazy, "I can't lie, because you two look so adorable together."

I urged Lisa to answer with my hand. "Thank you." she laughed restlessly, "I'm sorry, I'm just really nervous." She turned to me, "But Jennie somehow manages to calm me down." She offered me a grateful smile and for a minute we just stared into each other's eyes. Something about the way she stared at me was so intimate that it made my heart beat fast. I averted my eyes suddenly feeling shy and I looked out at the audience and they all had smiles on their faces, giddy at our little moment.

"So, how did you two meet? What's the story?" Jane asked as she leaned forward, anticipating the answer.

Oh my God, the story. Lisa and I didn't come up with a story. My mind was racing a mile a minute trying to formulate a story in my head. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Lisa's voice.

"I saw her outside the bar I work at and when I first saw her..." she put her hands up in front of her, "I swear, I couldn't breathe. As corny as it is to say, she literally took my breath away. I knew that I just had to talk to her." She turned to me, "And to my surprise, she seems to like my company."

Wow. She's good, I almost believed her.

Lisa leaned in close to Jane as if she was telling a secret, "She still doesn't know how bad I tricked her into dating me."

The audience chuckled at her joke.

I swatted her arm in a joking way, "Can you blame me?" I jerked a thumb in her direction, talking to Jane, "She's just so darn adorable. This one is such a charmer."

There was a collective 'awww' from the audience and from Jane.

"Well, I'm rooting for this relationship and I'm sure the audience is too right?" She asked the crowd and they responded with loud cheering. "Thank you so much for coming, Jennie and Lalisa. Don't forget to check out Jennie's movie 'The Idol', it comes out June 4th!"

"And, we're on break!"

Two producers came up to Lisa and I, taking off our mics. Jane twisted her body as a make-up artist did a touch-up, "I'm not going to lie. When I first saw headlines about your relationship, I didn't really believe it. But after seeing you two together." she smiled at us, "The chemistry is definitely there."

"Thank you, we were a little worried about doing the interview so we're so glad that the news was well received." I answered. I stood up and gave Jane a hug, "Thank you for being such a great interviewer."

"Not at all, thank you for agreeing to do the interview." Jane smiled at Lisa and shook her hand, "It was nice meeting you Lalisa."

"The pleasure's all mine, and I watch your show religiously."

Jane's face brightened but before she could say another word, the producers yelled out, "1 minute, everyone!"

"And that's our cue to leave." I laughed. I walked with Lisa back towards our dressing room when I felt a delicate hand on the small of my back. I instantly felt electricity run up and down my body.

"It's just for show." I felt her hot breath on my neck and almost shivered. When we were in the clear, her hand left my body and I missed it. Why? I simply had no idea but it was kind of weird.

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