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I walked around the corner holding a cup of coffee with Joe by my side. I was surprised when I got a call from him telling me that Taehyung Kim wanted to see me. My initial reaction was to tell Joe to tell Taehyung to politely go to hell, but I figured, why not tell him that myself?

I yawned into my hand, last night was weird. Jennie's mind was somewhere else for most of the night and she followed me around the penthouse even when I was just grabbing a glass of water. We fell asleep with her literally clinging onto my body to the point where I couldn't tell where my body ended and hers started. I woke up last night to her crying and I would rub her back, giving her soft kisses, wiping away her tears, and whispering everything I could to try to make her feel better. Eventually, she ended up falling back asleep but I'd wake up almost every hour to her body shaking from crying.

My heart hurt seeing her this upset, Jennie wouldn't tell me what was eating at her but I made it my mission to fix whatever it was that reduced my girl to tears. I figured that it was something to do with work that she couldn't disclose information about, so I decided that comforting her was the best solution. I bite the inside of my lip as worry creased my forehead.

"How's the family, Joe?" I asked trying to make conversation and not be stuck in my head. It had been a while since I last talked to him and I missed our little heart to heart conversations. He put his freakishly big hands in his pockets and shrugged, "I'm in the dog house."

I raised my eyebrows at him, "What happened?"

"I told my wife that I wanted to stop working for the Kim family and we got into an argument." He sighed, "She says that we would lose a steady income and she's right. Besides the fact that my family has worked as security for the Kim family for four generations, they do pay really well. But I've already made up my mind and tendered my resignation." He gave me a reassuring smile, "At least my last two weeks will be making sure that you stay out of trouble."

I gave him a sympathetic look. I totally forgot that he was Taehyung's security and not Jennie's. "Why did you want to resign?"

He shook his head, "I just can't stand Taehyung Kim."

"I couldn't agree more, but I am sorry that your wife is mad at you." I patted his forearm.

He shook his head and shrugged, "She'll come around."

"Well, I know just the place for the best apology flowers." I smiled. Joe didn't say anything which wasn't unusual, but there wasn't even a chuckle or a smirk from him.

"Hey." I stepped in front of him so he couldn't walk further, "You guys will get through this and I'll even help you find another job for someone who is not a complete douchebag."

There was an expression on his face that I couldn't place, "Lisa." he started, "How do you really feel about Jennie?"

I wasn't going to lie, the question took me off guard because Joe didn't usually ask personal questions like this.

"I have feelings for her, Joe and I think she cares about me too." Having Joe ask me this question made me think about the question that I had pushed out of my mind. "I'll be by Jennie's side unless she says otherwise." I looked into his eyes, "I know that it's only been a couple of weeks since we've been vocal about our feelings for each other." I shook my head with a smile, "But I think I love her, Joe."

He nodded his head and didn't say anything else, "I'm rooting for you guys, Lisa. Please don't forget that."

Joe was acting really weird today, I looked up at his eyes before he quickly looked away, but I caught something in his eye that I've never seen before. Apprehension.

HOPE NOT | JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now