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I heard the elevator doors open but I knew that it wasn't Lisa, so I didn't bother getting up from the floor. I wasn't sure how long I had been lying on the floor but I assumed it had to be a couple of hours.

"Jennie!" I heard Alison yell, "Where the hell have you been? Why aren't you answering your p..." She gasped, looking around the room and noticed that all the furniture was overturned, glasses were smashed, and papers scattered on the floor.

"Jennie, did someone break into your house?!" Alison shrieked as she started running around the room, "Was it that bastard, Kwon Jiyong again?"

"No, it wasn't him." I mumbled.

Alison came back into the living room, "Then who did this!?" she asked still frantic.

"I did." I answered while closing my eyes. Trashing your own place with a broken heart really takes up a lot of energy. I heard Alison let out a frustrated sigh, "Jennie, what the hell is going on? Are you drunk or something? and where is Lisa? Does she know who robbed you guys?"

I ignored her questions but my heart ached hearing Lisa's name, "Lisa is gone."

Alison pulled a chair closer to me and sat down, "What do you mean Lisa is gone? To work or something?"

I couldn't stop the tears from falling and tried to hide it by covering my face but it didn't matter, Alison could hear the whimpers coming from me.

"Jennie." I felt her get up from the chair and kneel beside me, "What's going on?" I felt her hands gently lift me up into a sitting position.

"I broke up with Lisa." I cried onto Alison's shoulder. It had been a long time since she's seen me so upset that I could feel her get nervous. But she quickly recovered by putting her arm around me.

"What happened?" she asked in a soothing voice. It was the first time she has ever used that tone with me and it gave me a look at her motherly side, which was a little odd. I shook my head while I wiped my tears, "It doesn't matter, she's gone and after the things I said to her, I would've left too." My eyes started filling with tears again, "But I already miss her so much."

"So, go talk to her."

I shook my head and the tears came out faster now, "I can't. I just can't." I started crying so hard that I started hyperventilating.

"Jennie Kim." Alison said in a stern voice, "Breath." she acted out taking slow deep breaths and I followed along, eventually getting my breathing back to normal. Alison wiped the tears from my eyes as she pulled out her phone, "I'll let Hyun-suk know that you won't be going in today."

I stood up slowly shaking my head, "No, it's not professional for me to not show up for work because of personal reasons."

"Trust me." she said putting the phone to her ear, "I'm doing you and everyone on-set, especially Nayeon a big favour. You look like you've seen and been through shit that no amount of makeup can cover up."

I sniffled and wiped the remaining tears from my eyes, "Thanks, you really know how to make a girl feel better." I deadpanned. She winked and started talking on the phone, "Hi Hyun-suk, how are you?" I heard his voice talking from the other side, "Listen..." she started, "I'm sorry to spring this on you so last minute, but unfortunately Jennie can't come in today at all. I forgot to tell you that she has a ton of interviews lined up for the next couple of days."

I sat still, listening to him talk, and Alison's shoulders relaxed, "Thanks for understanding Hyun-suk, she'll be back on set as soon as possible." She hung up the phone and let out a sigh, "Alright, I bought you a couple of days to get your emotions in order." She bent down to move the coffee table upright but I stopped her, "Why?" she asked with a confused expression.

I looked away, "I don't know, I kind of want to keep it like this."

She frowned, "You want your house to look like a bull came charging through?"

"I can't explain it." I started, "It's like if I start cleaning up this mess, I'd have to accept that we're done, you know? That I'd have to go about my life normally." I shook my head out of frustration, "It's stupid I know."

Alison sat down beside me, "It's not stupid. I really thought that you two were going to continue with your relationship after this contract and make it official."

"We were so close." I whispered and wiped the tears from my eyes.

Alison pursed her lips, "I know. Do you think that she'd consider talking to you, if you went to see her?"

I shook my head, "Not a chance. I mean if there is, it's very slim."

She sighed, "Well, your only options are to beg for forgiveness and tell her that it was a mistake, or start preparing yourself to get over her." She held my hand, "Because life doesn't stop, not even for a broken heart."

I wanted more than anything to do the first option but knowing that the only way to protect her family as well as her secret, I had to stay away. As much as it hurt to hear that I had to get over Lisa in a couple of days, I knew that it was the only option I had. And I could only hope that I can survive through this heartbreak. Or hope not to survive this disaster.

HOPE NOT | JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now