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"So Lisa, is that your full name?"

I set the plate that had a slice of pizza on the table just as Jennie sat down at the table. She gave me a polite smile.

"No, it's short for Lalisa." I answered.

Alison took a bite from the slice, "That's interesting. Most people I know prefer the nickname Lis."

I winced at the nickname but I hoped Jennie or Alison didn't notice. Instead, I nodded as I sipped my water, "In middle school, there were three Elizabeth's in my class including me. All of them had the nickname Liz. So, the teacher called me Lisa, to avoid any further confusion for everyone."

Alison laughed and I could have sworn that I saw Jennie giggle as well, but I wasn't sure. "How cute." Alison commented.

I shrugged, "Eventually we all ended up at different high schools but at that point, I got so accustomed to the name Lisa, so I just kept on introducing myself with that name instead of Lalisa."

Alison nodded thoughtfully while she took another slice.

"Duly noted." I heard Jennie say. I turned to her surprised that she actually wanted to join the conversation. I put my slice down, contemplating on whether or not to ask my question. I somehow mustered up the courage and cleared my throat, "Can I ask a question?"

Jennie and Alison both gave me their undivided attention.

"Why me? I mean, you guys don't know anything about me. I could be a serial killer."

"Well, are you?" Jennie asked.

I frowned, "No."

"Perfect, neither am I." Jennie smiled, "Looks like we have something in common."

"Hardly." Alison interjected. She turned to me, "To answer your question, we looked into your file before we asked you to sign the contract."

"What file?" I asked.

"We looked at your public profile and ran a criminal background check on you." Alison answered.

Holy crap, they sure did their homework.

"Well, then can I see your files?" I asked Jennie.

She gave me a weird look before shaking her head, "Anything you want to know you can just ask me."

"But what if I wanted to know if you're a criminal or not." I argued.

"I just told you I wasn't a serial killer." she countered.

"But you never said anything about not being a criminal." I pointed out with a smirk.

Jennie smiled at our small banter and it made me proud. Like, to the point where I'd probably put it on my résumé or something. Alison tried to not smile as well, "I can assure you that Jennie is neither a serial killer nor a criminal." She paused, "But I'd keep her away from the kitchen. Something always ends up burning under her watch and if you don't get to the fire extinguisher in time, she might be tried in court for arson."

Jennie threw a piece of crust at her, "That was one time! And I didn't burn the entire place down, just a part of it."

I laughed liking this side of Jennie. Who knew that the elegant actress Jennie Kim that I saw on the screen was a terrible cook?

Jennie rolled her eyes before turning her attention to me, "Can I have another slice, please?"

I grabbed the second box and opened it up for her.

Her face wrinkled in disgust, "Umm, what's this?" She pointed to the yellow toppings on the pizza.

"Pineapple." I answered while taking a slice for myself. I gestured towards the box.

"Just try it." Alison encouraged, "If you don't like it, just pick it off."

Jennie hesitantly grabbed a slice and took a careful bite, chewing twice before swallowing. She lifted her glass of water to her lips, while rinsing her pallet.

She shook her head, "That was gross." she concluded, while picking the pineapple bits off.

I shrugged, "May I?" I pointed to the pineapple she extracted from her slice.

She slid her plate towards me as I scooped up the discarded fruit and slide it back towards her.

"Pineapple on pizza is your serial killer trait." she mumbled.

I laughed, "Or maybe not having it on yours, is your serial killer trait."

She narrowed her eyes at me smiling, "Touché."

I smiled to myself. Jennie was actually really easy to get along with. If the next couple of months were going to be like this, then it would be easy peasy.

HOPE NOT | JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now