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I sat in the backseat of the SUV waiting for Alison and Joe to come back. It killed me to watch them take Lisa's stuff from my room but I pleaded with Alison to at least let me sit in the car while they brought it up to her. I looked out the window up at Lisa's building. I wondered what her new place looked like, how she would decorate her place, and if she preferred living here with Chitthip and Lia. I also wondered what the outcome would've been if everything worked out for us. I probably would've helped her move in, maybe gotten frustrated at how she would take too many breaks while we unpacked her stuff. Then after we would probably order some take out and cuddle while watching a movie, trying not to fall asleep. It was so easy to imagine all of this with Lisa because it's what I imagined would happen when we moved in together officially.

The doors opened, Alison and Joseph climbed into the seats in front of me.

"So?" I asked anxiously, "How is she?"

Alison sighed and pulled the seatbelt across her chest with a click, "About as good as a person who just got their heart broken. She was definitely putting up a front." She turned around in her seat and looked at me, "Which you still haven't told me exactly why you broke up with her."

The last comment caught me off guard that I couldn't stop the 'deer in headlights' look on my face. She pointed a finger at me, "Most people don't check up on their ex right after a break up, so I know something is up."

I looked away awkwardly and saw Joseph shift in his seat, "We should get going." I cleared my throat, "I have some lines to run through."

Alison gave me a look before turning around in her seat and turning the car on. We pulled away from the curb and I couldn't help but look back at Lisa's building. Maybe I should've gone up with Alison and Joseph, she definitely would've kicked me out but at least I would've seen her.

The next day I woke up to my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I croaked as I tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

"Why are you so hard to wake up?" Alison yelled into the phone, "It's almost 1pm, Jennie!" I pulled the phone away from my ear, trying to save my ear drums from her voice.

"We have a video conference in 15 minutes with Lisa and Taehyung." she continued, "So, unless you want the girl that you're in love with, but won't admit it, to see that you haven't showered in days, then I suggest you take a quick shower right now!"

My eyes went wide, "What?!" I didn't wait for her answer and jumped out of bed, running past the pile of take out containers and empty wine bottles on my floor and bolted to the washroom. Alison was right, I couldn't let Lisa see me like this. I was drying my hair with a towel just as Alison walked through the elevator doors.

"I can't believe that you haven't cleaned anything." she looked around the room, "Why is it even messier than the last time I was here?"

I shrugged, holding my MacBook under my arm, "I needed to eat and I didn't feel like cooking." I placed the laptop on the dining table, "Let's get this over with."

Alison looked like she wanted to say something but when she saw the time, she opened the laptop and started it up, "We're late." I shrugged again. I really didn't care to be a part of this meeting, but Alison said Lisa was going to be on the video conference and it was the only way that I could see her again. I watched Alison start typing on the keyboard with a serious expression, while I ran my hands through my damp hair and curled up in the chair, tucking my legs underneath me. I thought about putting on a full face of make-up and styling my hair, but I didn't want to look like I was trying too hard. I looked down at my clothes to make sure that I didn't have any stain on it and my heart stopped. I was wearing Lisa's shirt.

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