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"I can't wait to work with you." I shook the director's hand.

"Likewise, I've seen your work, Jennie and I have to say, you're one of the best, especially for an up and coming actress." he replied.

I nodded as he gave my hand one more squeeze before turning his attention to another cast member. We had just finished the first table read for a new movie that I was cast in. It wasn't a lead role, but I didn't care. I was just happy to have work at all especially as a new actress who is venturing into more mature roles.

I was on my way out when I was stopped by the lead actress of the movie, Irene Bae.

"Jennie Kim, it's so nice to finally meet you." she shook my hand, "I'm a fan."

My eyebrows shot up because, what? Irene just said that she was a fan? "Thank you so much, you have no idea how much I look up to you." I cringed at how much I sounded like a fangirl.

"That's so sweet." she beamed. She leaned forward making sure that no one heard our conversation, "I don't usually listen to gossip or tabloids, but is it true?"

It took a minute for me to register what she was talking about and then it hit me, she was talking about Lisa and I.

"It's a new relationship." I smiled weakly.

Irene's face lit up, "Of course! You should bring her to the set sometime, I'm sure everyone would love to meet her."

I laughed nervously, "Will do for sure."

"I'm sorry. I'm just so happy that we have more people in the media who aren't afraid of being who they are, who will show who they love unapologetically."

"I really can't take all the credit though." I backtracked, feeling bad that we were lying to literally everyone, "We were both kind of outed by the media."

Irene put a reassuring hand on my shoulder, "If you ever need to talk, I'm a great listener." She smiled, "Of course, my husband would disagree though." She was suddenly ushered away by the production manager, but she gave me a small wave.

I sighed, this was a bad idea. I have to talk to Alison and find a way to void this contract. My mind suddenly thought of Taehyung and our conversation, the day Lisa and I signed the contract.

Taehyung pulled me aside, "This next four months is really going to put a strain on our relationship, but I know this will only make what we have even stronger."

"We'll still have at least one date a month right?" I asked hopefully.

He pulled my face into his, giving me the softest kiss, "I think we should take a break, just to be safe. I don't want to leave any traces."

"A break?" I repeated, "You want to take a break from our relationship?" My voice suddenly hoarse.

"Not like that, just think of it as a vacation from me." he tried joking to uplift my mood.

"I don't want a vacation from you." I insisted. "Taehyung, I don't know about this, I don't know why Lisa and I have to be in a relationship. And I hate that we're lying to so many people."

"Honey, technically we've been lying to everyone for years."

I gave him a pointed glare, "I'm serious, Taehyung."

He cupped my cheeks, "If the public knows that you're in a relationship with another woman, then our relationship will never ever cross their minds."

"What if this deal affects our relationship in a bad way?" I asked in a small voice.

He shook his head, "I have faith in our relationship and to show that..." he pulled out a ring from his pocket, "... this is a promise ring, Jennie. Because I know that you're the one for me. Just please bear with it for a little while more."

My face brightened at the sight of it, sure it wasn't an engagement ring, but a promise ring signified just as much. If our relationship could survive the next four months, we could survive anything.

I played with the promise ring that was currently dangling from a necklace on my neck. Taehyung encouraged me to wear it as a necklace instead of having it on my finger for fear that people might ask about it.

Alison pulled up in front of the studio. "How was the table read?" She asked as I jumped in the passenger seat.

"Good, Irene Bae said she was a fan of mine." I commented trying to contain my excitement.

"Look at you, Ms. Jennie Kim aka the new star of Hollywood." she joked. As we got closer to my place, Alison spoke up, "Joseph and I helped Lisa unpack. She seems really down to earth." She pulled into the parking garage and we both climbed out of the car.

"Well, for half of a million dollars, I'm sure she is." I said. I immediately felt guilty, I didn't know her and here I was judging her.

"Wow, that was kind of mean." Alison spoke, "And for the record, I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with you. Not even for $500,000."

"You're not exactly my type either, Al." I laughed.

We arrived at the top of the building just as Joseph and Lisa finished bringing in the last of her stuff. The living room floor had about six boxes, was this all she had?

"Hi Lisa." I greeted.

"Hey." she said standing up straight.

I walked to the extra room I kept as an office that I cleared out for her, "It's not much, but you can use this room."

She nodded her head and picked up a box, "Thanks." She walked past me and I could smell the shampoo she used. She smelled good, wait. Is that weird? No, right? I watched her walk into her new room, and her mouth was wide open.

"This is my room? This room is bigger than my old apartment." Lisa stared in awe.

I leaned onto the doorframe and crossed my arms, I tried to stifle a smile at how cute she looked. Wait. What?

I stood up straight and cleared my throat, "Joseph, would you like to stay for dinner?"

"No thank you, Jennie. The wife is waiting for me at home." he smiled.

Lisa left her room to pick up another box but not before giving Joseph a high five, "Thanks for your help today, Joe. I'll see you tomorrow?"

He returned her high five, "See you tomorrow."

When did they get so close? They've only known each other for a couple of hours.

I turned to Alison, "You're staying for dinner right, Al?" I asked with pleading eyes. Alison gave me a weird look before she finally answered, "Yeah, I guess I can stay for dinner."

I let out a breath of relief, "Excellent!" I clapped my hands, "Pizza for dinner?" I asked my two guests.

Lisa finished moving her boxes into her room, "Pizza sounds great." she responded dusting her hands.

I turned to Alison who was already looking through the menu of our favourite pizza place. "I'll be back in a second, I'm just going to change out of these clothes."

Lisa nodded giving me a smile before walking over to Alison to help decide on a pizza topping.

I peeled the outfit I wore for the table reading today and was about to grab an old pair of sweatpants when I stopped. Instead, I chose a pair of yoga pants and a fitted v neck t-shirt. I looked in the mirror before leaving my bedroom. Wait, why did I care so much about what she thought of me? I didn't get to think too much about it because Alison called me from the kitchen.

"Jennie! The pizza's here!"

I let out a breath as I prepared myself for an awkward dinner.

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