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I turned over in bed and winced when I felt how stiff my body was. I laid back down onto my back and tried to stretch. Along with stiff limbs, the rest of my body felt heavy. I felt gross and lethargic so I rubbed my hands over face to try and wake myself up but I still felt like a truck hit me.

I let out a breath and was about to turn over to go to sleep until my eyes fell on my guitar case propped up against the wall. I furrowed my eyebrows as I remembered what happened with Jennie. I tried getting out of bed to find her, hopefully, she was ok, but it was such a struggle getting up, that I could only sit up in bed. I licked my lips and only realized how dry my mouth is. I swallow what felt like a rock and tried to clear my throat but was met with a searing pain in my chest.

The door to my bedroom opened and Jennie walked in, with her eyes trained down on the tray in front of her as she tried to keep everything on it.

"Good morning." I greeted, my raspy voice shocked me.

Jennie looked up, with surprise written on her face, "You're up!" she held up the tray, "Perfect timing, it's time for you to take your medication."

I quirk my eyebrow at her, "Medication?"

I saw a faint purple bruise on her neck and started firing questions, "Wait, are you ok? You know after the whole creepy intruder thing." I tried standing up but I felt too weak.

"No, don't get up." she put the tray down and walked over to my bed, fluffing my pillow against the bed frame so I was at least sitting up. I watched her take a seat next to me on the bed and she chuckled while shaking her head, "I can't believe the first thing out of your mouth was whether I was ok. You were the one that fought the bastard. I'm surprised that you only came out of that with bronchitis."

Ahhh bronchitis! That explains how gross I feel.

"You thought that I would've lost to that dirt bag? That's kind of a blow to my ego." I joked.

She laughed, "Well, he was a foot taller than you and was easily a lot heavier that you are." She took the bowl off the tray and set it in down in front of me, watching me patiently to start eating. I stared down at the contents of the bowl and was immediately reminded of my childhood. Whenever I was sick, my mom would make rice porridge for me and I hated it. The only thing I hated more than Mina, was porridge, but I couldn't tell Jennie that, not after she went through all that trouble to cook it for me. I reached for the spoon when I realize that I don't even have enough energy to lift my arm up.

"What's wrong?" Jennie asked.

I looked at her and then back down at the bowl. I couldn't ask her to feed me, that was a little weird especially since it was still kind of awkward between us. I cleared my throat, "Uh, I'm not very hungry." I lied, "I'm sorry your efforts are going to waste." She was about to take the bowl away when of course, that was the moment my stomach decided to make its presence known. I immediately looked down to my stomach and put my arms over it, in a feeble attempt to somehow mask the sound.

"I'm not hungry, I swear." I tried to argue. She raised an unimpressed an eyebrow at me, "An actress you are not."

"Why are you talking like Yoda?" I countered.

She laughed and hit my arm playfully, "Come on, the doctor said you have to eat before you take your antibiotics." When I didn't make any movement, she finally figured it out and hit her forehead lightly, "The doctor did say that you were going to feel weak for the next couple of days."

I didn't know what to do except smile awkwardly. She took the bowl from my lap and lifted a spoonful of porridge to my mouth but I turned away, with the spoon touching the right side of my cheek. She furrowed her eyebrows and tried again but I kept dodging the spoon. She huffed and put the spoon back in the bowl, "Are you really going to be like this?"

"Like what?" I smiled innocently.

I watched her pick the spoon up again, "I will get you to finish the porridge, Lisa. Even if I have to tie you to the bed."

I smirked, "Whatever you and Taehyung do in the bedroom, keep me out of it."

"That's actually a page from your files, Lisa." she replied smugly.

My cheeks flushed red and I opened my mouth to argue but Jennie used that opportunity to put a spoonful of porridge into my mouth.

I swallowed the porridge gingerly, "That's cheating."

Jennie shrugged her shoulders, "I didn't think it would actually work." She held up another spoonful of porridge, "I've only ever seen it work on babies. But I guess that makes sense because you're acting very childish right now."

My jaw went slack when she finished her sentence and she took the opportunity to shovel another spoonful into my mouth.

"This is so easy." she laughed.

I looked at her shocked, "You're so immature..." I mumbled with a mouth full of porridge.

She pointed the spoon at me, "Don't talk with your mouth full."

I swallowed the porridge and gave her a rebellious look. I was now determined to make sure no more porridge made its way to my mouth.

HOPE NOT | JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now